“Be Yourself Because Everyone Else Is Taken”

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Today is Sunday. so Good day, there! Have a wonderful weekend!
Well, its been a couple of days since I last wrote something down. Sunday isn’t usually my day off. I work on Sunday too, and ofcourse I’d take a day off somewhere in the midst of the week at my own accord. Working from home has partly distanced myself from collegues and people for a while, and sometimes, I feel alone when I scroll through facebook to catch up with them. However, I must admit, that also offers me an oppotunity to be with myself, which is perfectly rewarding. I’ve got more time to do what I like, I focus more on my progress and less concerned about others’ opinons.

Yes, if you’ve ever asked me what I learned during the pandemic, the answer might be “Being myself” (with a lopsided smirk that fades quickly). Haha. Cuz I am proud. Well, I’ve heard it all my life about how to be yourself, how to stay true to who you are. There are also songs that remind you of being yourself all the time no matter what other people say or think, as you can’t stop them nor internalize the skill of guessing what’s in their head. You simply can’t. Why even try?


Some folks I’ve come to for advice, those I trust, have told me that they’ve learned to be at least, bold and independent, and that they’ve learned to be self-employed and overcome the anxiety of not receiving a monthly paycheck, and at most they’ve established a successful business online. Others told me they’ve learned to be more calm and able to focus on the positive aspects of the pandemic. Well, everyone’s experience is different ; Since I had more free time during the Covid19, I’ve simply tried to be as helpful as possible, and as a result, I’m becoming more of myself.

Give away

I’ve been practicing giving away for a few years now.
And I’ve seen that the more I contribute, the calmer I feel, and I certainly pay less attention to people who expressedly show hatred for me. I live in a world that is all mine, filled with love, caring, and sharing.
Everyday, I’ve understood that through giving unconditionally, I grow up. I offer help without expecting anything in return.

Be patient

While life has definitely passed us by like a dream, most of us are passing through life with less and less patience. Sooo rapidly that we began to continually condemn ourselves and judge others based on our hates and thinking patterns. I am a part of it. So I’m not here to provide counsel since I believe that we all need time to improve on our own. If you are not a willing student, you will not need a teacher. Once you are, you’ll become your own instructor and will have the fortitude to make changes.

Hurt and get hurt

One of my friends wondered how to become more relaxed. IDK, well, I honestly don’t know; all I could say was to keep going through it; the horrible wounds and screaming inside your heart would eventually quiet down, and you would grow calmer and more honest to your genuine self.If you torture others and then get hurt, to the point that you’re exhausted, you’ll know for sure what regrets and mental tiredness are like.
For a long enough time years ago, I felt like I wasn’t myself at all. I hurt people and allowed them to hurt me back. The fight should have ended but foodhardy me 🙂 Then, just sat down and relaxed, open to my inner world, learnt to cherish the pains, let them go. Forgave myself in the past, healed the child within me. Then I gradually got the vibes that I didn’t quite think it was the old me anymore, and my little child inside has become loving, patient, who only helps and supports.! (I love who I am).

Make more efforts

So you’re saying you’re putting in a lot of work. You can be more than that. Do you feel pressed for time? so Why are you still on Facebook all of the time? Do you feel as though you work a lot? Why still juggling tasks without a well-defined priority list? Do you have the feeling that others despise you? Why still attempt to woo them or worse, gossip behind their backs?
Make greater efforts and devote more time to yourself. What occurs, do you know? You attract those that support and respect your job and time once you have values to give away. Again, slow down but fight for your ideal life consistently.

Final thoughts

Although I am just 29 years old, sometimes I have the feeling that I am older. Clearly, I know there is still so much for me to learn. We all do, regardless of our age. As a community, we share our experiences and learn from one another. After all, we’re all emotional beings who fluctuate to evolve, whose feelings are so ephemeral. So I’d probably just ignore how people treat me, instead pay greater attention to how I treat myself.
“Be yourself cuz everyone else is taken.”
