This is my first post in the @ecotrain community and my first participation in the weekly community question. I find this question interesting because I had never stopped to reflect on this topic and it seems to me that it is something that should be delved into at least personally. If I ask myself who are the most relevant people in my life I automatically think of my family and some friends who are people who work every day for what they want and strive to achieve their goals always keeping in mind their values and principles, they inspire me to be a better person.
In a political field I dare to say that a long time ago politicians ceased to be relevant in my country, they are nothing more than individuals who act for their own benefit without caring about the welfare of the people they supposedly want to help regardless of the devastating consequences for a people who only scream for their freedom and return to democracy.
As we well know, there are many other fields that I could go deeper into but I would like to focus on the people that from my point of view are more than relevant in our time; the teachers. I believe that education is an important factor in society, as it influences our development and provides us with knowledge that enriches our minds.
I personally believe that education is necessary if we want to build productive and advanced countries on a social, cultural, economic and technological level. Besides being a source that transforms people by teaching principles, ethics and morals. I have always found teachers to be admirable people. From the beginning of my school years, through elementary school, high school and college I had excellent teachers who did nothing but support me, teach me and show me that with education you can change people and the world.
Today, due to the pandemic, we are already a year or more away from having started virtual classes, and even though I am no longer practicing this profession, I still feel admiration for the effort that educators make every day, to continue teaching and supporting their students through a screen in these times where I am sure that education is necessary.

For nobody is a secret the political, social and cultural situation we live in my country (Venezuela), so I admit that education here has been declining little by little over the years, taking into account that the government does not invest in it has caused that the facilities every day are more deteriorated and that the salary of teachers is deplorable; I must highlight the extraordinary action of the Venezuelan educators who, knowing that their work was not being well remunerated, by vocation continued to attend the schools with the intention of continuing to transmit their knowledge to the young people who were still in training.
Really due to the pandemic, the situation with virtual classes has not been easy, Venezuelans must face every day with circumstances that make everything difficult, even something as banal as connecting to the Internet, either because there is no connection, or because of electricity failures, conditions that hinder learning. I must also mention the little experience that our educators had with these teaching methods through electronic equipment and the lack of innovation that exists in my country; despite all this and many other realities that we live day by day, teachers invent ways to keep in touch with their students and transmitting all their knowledge.
thank you for posting for this weeks Question oF The week! Your post has been featured in our tie up post. Please do drop by and leave a comment if you like this question,, and check out what others thought!