WhatsUp Everyone! Welcome to our regular instalment of amazing and inspiring posts from the ecoTrain community. This week our subscriber are about to reach 700 Hivians! Its so good to see so many of you posting on our favourite topics.. Keep em coming and we will keep on voting with out combined 55,000 Hive Power.
Here are some of the topics we support and curate on:
"Sustainability, ecoVillages, Community, Self-sufficiency, Off-grid Living, Homesteading, Permaculture, Alternative Energy, Alternative Lifestyle, Natural Health, Cooking, Eco-Building, Earthships, Recycling, Esoteric, Inner Transformation, Spiritual, Nature"
So, Thank you to everyone for posting and helping the ecoTrain community to spread out and reach more people. If you want to support sustainable living, ecoVillages, and caring for our world and each other then please re-blog this post! The more we spread this information, the more people will discover it ;-)
The titles of the posts in this week's ecoTrain curation are below to give you a quick way to see what kind of posts we have in store for you. I can assure you its worth a look!! Scroll down to see more!...
- A closer look at Solitary Bees Part 8: Final thoughts for the season -
- How I do my affirmations (video) -
- I have a lover ... my reflective prose today is dedicated to this theme -
- MID-JULY 2020 GARDEN TOUR (Video) -
- Pounding tyres, erecting a Tipi, and partying, in the arid heat! -
- MOTHER EARTH & SPACE NEWS - Magnetic Excursion, Many Nova| S0 News Jul.6.2020 -
- El cambio climático versus el glaciar Perito Moreno en la Argentina. Climate change versus the Perito Moreno glacier in Argentina -
A closer look at Solitary Bees Part 8: Final thoughts for the season
The adult bees are done with their seasonal work, being out only from February through April. I look at their homes and discuss how it all went and what to expect next. We look at both the bee cubbies and the bee house. No signs of adult Mason Bees at this point so its all up to the larva inside the homes to feed on the pollen left by the adult Bees and to grow and transform into a Bee. I will leave the homes alone until late fall or early winter. By then the larva will have spun cocoons and are all residing in their cocoons until its spring time in 2021.
I am really glad they took to the bee boards, this is the first year I used them and seems like they are a great success. I will have a better idea of how well they produced the homes when I open them in the late fall or early winter depending on the weather.
The rise of CO2 concentrations in recent decades has led to an increase in the average global temperatures by almost 1°C.To counter global warming a new set of technologies have emerged of which solar PVs is prominent.
This idea of converting sunlight to energy has revolutionised the the energy sector and has proven to be a more inexpensive source of energy compared to coal and other carbon fuels.
Many Governments have shown interest in this technology due to it's many positive effects and have been making plans to implement it. Today, I would like to introduce to you a plan that India has proposed on the global stage called OSOWOG that stands for "ONE SUN ONE WORLD ONE GRID". The plan is to connect 140 countries(almost the whole world) with one grid connected to solar energy assets in all these countries and provide 24/7 clean energy to all it's participants. The idea behind this project can be summed up in one line- "The Sun never sets for the entire world at the same time".
How I do my affirmations
I have a lover ... my reflective prose today is dedicated to this theme
I'm usually one of being in constant activity, taking on activities outside the home. I make short trips regularly and in the city I develop a productive agenda every day. However, since March 13, when I arrived on a trip, and in the following days the Social Quarantine was decreed in my country, this panorama changed absolutely. From the very moment I arrived, I have dedicated myself to being at home. I have never spent so much time, continuously in my bunker, in that, my living space. I must say that in the first days I stopped to document myself in relation to the COVID-19, the conditions it was generating at a global level and the repercussions on our continent. In a few days the documentation was collected, analyzed and contextualized. I made the decision to look for a lover. You may ask why I decided to look for a lover. The answer is both linear and quite complex.
It may not be the most impressive, but it's feeding us.
I finally got around to recording some of the garden today! We've got a lot going on (and growing on) and this place sure loves to help feed our family. I don't think we could eat it all if we tried. There are a lot of related projects that I should be working on, but sometimes I just like to wander around in the garden and let others get a peek, so enjoy!
It may not be the most impressive, but it's feeding us.

Pounding tyres, erecting a Tipi, and partying, in the arid heat!
This thumbnail image is of sunset tonight after i managed to pound two more tyres for the yurt base on our ecoVillage HQ land. It was beautiful tonight, and I can assure you that the view of the scenery was far more pretty than myself.. covered in dirt and sweat... and... im lovin' it! Why do i like pounding tyres so much!? Well you would have to read the amazing book - '99 Reasons to get Off grid with Earthship Biotecture' to answer that one!
MOTHER EARTH & SPACE NEWS - Magnetic Excursion, Many Nova| S0 News Jul.6.2020

El cambio climático versus el glaciar Perito Moreno en la Argentina. Climate change versus the Perito Moreno glacier in Argentina
Llamamos cambio climático a las variaciones en el clima de la tierra producto de nuestras acciones desmedidas en búsqueda de un mundo más productivo y mercantilizado, sin tomar en cuenta que dichas acciones pueden desatar una serie de acontecimientos desastrosos para nuestro planeta. El cambio climático nos afecta a todos e incide en el equilibrio planetario, viéndose en el deshielo de los polos y por ende inundaciones, aumento considerable de las temperaturas con incremento de sequias graves y aparición de desiertos no fértiles, llegando al cambio irreparable del ecosistema mundo.
We call climate change the variations in the earth's climate that are the result of our excessive actions in search of a more productive and commercialized world, without taking into account that such actions can unleash a series of disastrous events for our planet. Climate change affects us all and affects the planetary balance, with the melting of the poles and therefore flooding, a considerable increase in temperatures with a rise in severe drought and the appearance of non-fertile deserts, leading to irreparable change in the world's ecosystem.
How do you deal with monsters? How tolerant are you?
Shifting Our Perspective ... Spare A Thought For....
If it sounds too good to be true it probably isn't?...
What is Inner Strength? How do you find it?
What is my hole in the bucket?
Should our governments lie to us to protect us?
What changes would you like to see happen after Covid19
What are you doing to create memories...
What I Am Doing, To Stay Balanced and Positive Whilst on Lockdown
If your were to meet with a wise person/sage what sort of questions would you ask?"
Are you worried about Coronavirus, and what are you doing differently (if anything) since you heard about it?"
The 8 Pillars of Abundance Tribe

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I'd love to be a part of this Community but I really don't understand what is being supported here.
With regards to contents
Thanks alot for featuring my bee post. Really appreicate it.
Thank you so much for the mention🙂