@ecoTrain Sustainable and Off-Grid Living Curation: 14 March 2022

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)


Welcome back to this sustainable living curation from the ecoTrain community! With all that is going on in the world it is clear we are in a time of great upheaval, chaos and change. There has never been a better time to start looking at all aspects of sustainable living, even if you live in a city! Some of the most simple aspects of living independently are more important than ever and can be done with a minimal amount of time and space. Did you ever try growing some tomatoes on your balcony or window sill? Or perhaps a small plant bed with lettuce and some of your favourite herbs and greens. It is so easy and once you have tried it you will never buy from the store again.. that’s if they are even available with our supply crisis happening. Anyone who has eaten their own home grown tomatoes will know anyway, there is no comparison on taste! Sustainable living is about so much more than just growing food though, and this curation post brings together some great posts from the ecoTrain community on so many topics related to sustainable living. Check out what our homesteaders are up to, what life is life, and what kinds of issues we face!

If you live dependant on the state for power, water for survival then this is a very vulnerable position to be in. Imagine what it must be like when the power suddenly goes out and you can not even turn on a light? It is surely time for us all to start implementing even some basic self sufficient and sustainable elements into our lives and homes. I would recommend having SOME solar power as a basic protection so that at least you can keep the very basic things going as and when the system goes down. Not only that, but with the massive rise in price for power that is yet another reason to stop funding the unethical and illegitimate ways of the power system who rake in untold profits at the expense of poor people who cannot even afford to heat their own homes. Its time for change, and its time for us to stop supporting these old and outdated ways that are digging us only deeper into a parasitic dependence. Join us and let us be free!

This is why the ecoTrain is here, to encourage, educate and inspire others to start living in a way that makes sense for you and for our planet. This week i share a handful of posts from our community that touch on some of the many topics that we support and are so very relevant to the issues we face today. I hope you enjoy this selection, and thank you to everyone who shares these valuable posts with your personal stories and experiences. Keep them coming, it really makes a difference!


Tips For Going Low Waste

Hey friends! So I thought I'd do a little ideas blog about how people can work toward reducing their trash output. I am not zero waste, but I am low waste - and honestly I think that's a good thing to say, because so many people hear "zero waste" and think, there is NO WAY they could do that. "Low waste" makes it much more of a reachable goal, eh?

So yes, I produce more trash than a mason jar's worth, lol. But, the majority of my trash is litter scooping, and not a whole lot else, so I'm doing pretty good, I think. Probably 90% of my trash-trash is litter scooping (not counting recycling in that total). I produce around a plastic grocery store bag worth of trash a week; and a somewhat bigger bag of recycling per week (the cloth bag you see in this trash bin is actually my recycling bag!).



My solar power generation journey starts / 太陽光発電ことはじめ

It's my first post to Eco Train. It's about my first step to generate energy via a set of solar panels :)

I ordered a the solar panels as I thought it would be good that I can generate a little bit of my own electricity at home in the midst of the unstable social climate, such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the inflation that has been talked about since last year.

In fact, 11 years ago, after [the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami](2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami), I was interested in generating electricity and bought a solar power charger for my smartphone. Perhaps because it was too small, or because the technology was still underdeveloped at the time, I was not satisfied with the result and did not use it for long.

After that, I had some opportunities to investigate decentralized power generation projects such as Brooklyn Microgrid as part of my blockchain-related work, and I have had interest in private power generation. However, I wan't motivated enough to build my own system.



My garden (heaven)

Welcome to my blog 👉

Heyya Photography lovers and friends!!
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the every moment of life with your loved ones. This is the best thing we have in our life is Family.

Hi guys, actually i didn't post anything around since one month because of my exams were going.
It's good to come here again after so many days. Things changed here and all new look, whoa but it's look bit updated and good, easy to use, and it's quite understandable too. In one word it's so good.

BY: Gerard de nerval
I start with this quote because it's all about flowers today. Flowers make peoples happy with their beauty and fragrance. And for us they are food and medicine too.

Since one month the flowers has been growing in my garden and this time it's different from the first i was posted. While seeing growing them i was like good good grow faster i have to click you and posted. But about flowers my mother and me are very passionate about them and caring too we like to grow flowers and plants.



Turning e-waste into eco-friendly Products

f you wish to be creative, go to this post by @itsostylish

But if you want to read about latest in recycle about E-waste, please read on.

Electronic waste is one of the biggest problems for the existence of humans, but now scientists are taking good care of it. Plastic accounts for approximately 20% of all electronic waste globally. Because plastic contains toxic substances such as heavy metals and brominated flame retardants, most e-plastics are not recyclable because of these toxic elements. This can pose a serious threat to the environment and health.

But now scientists have found a new way to use them. These can be used in the laboratory in cell culture containers, such as petri dishes, etc. Earlier, only disinfection of e-waste plastic was done before the team tested it in laboratory experiments.

The team used waste computer plastic to grow human stem cells. More than 95 percent of the human stem cells were found to be healthy after one week. These results are comparable to those obtained from conventional cell culture plates, and potential new sustainable uses of e-waste plastics show they will consume approximately 20% of the e-waste produced globally each year. Which is a good amount to begin with.



CCC/Permaculture in Theory and Practice

This is a collection on Permaculture related posts, that are not part of my extensive discussion of Permaculture Design Principles. Some of these posts are completely theoretical in nature, others applied practices I have experienced myself, or only seen, or just heard or read about, but think they are worth considering. image source



Making progress on our walls | Eco-build update

Hello community, we continue with the saga of our little eco-build which, small as it may be, has been a great challenge of patience and perseverance. We're finally done with the roof and working on the wall structures. Though we thought we had plenty of materials, we ran out pretty quick and had to slow down our progress to stock up on more.

@fenngen and @choli 's father installed in the work area.

In a previous post you can see the first advances of the roof. Already with the OSB installed, we decided to put felt paper as a water insulator, it is waterproof and also helps against strong winds. It was placed across the whole roof, along with the zinc plates.



Starting Thyme cuttings in water

The last few months I have been propagating Thyme. My plan was to make a carpet of it in areas I have removed grass from. I started a bunch of seeds, but found the growth to be quite slow. So while I was at the supermarket I found a pack of "Thyme herbs" for sale in the vegetable section. These are cuttings of twigs of Thyme, and I had an idea. What if I could root them?

I bought this spice pack and got to preparing the twigs for propagation. I removed the lower leaves so they would not rot in the water. And then placed the cuttings placed in small mason jars in my sowing room.



Independence and Sustainability //ENG-ESP// Independencia y Sustentabilidad

Motivated by the publication "Sustainable and Independent Living Curation of @ecoTrain: March 6, 2022" I tell you my experience and considerations on the subject. I worked as a seller and merchant on my own for 30 years, but when I managed to build my house on a plot of 400 m2 (478 square yards) the economic circumstances of the country and the personal changed, so I ventured into various economic activities of an artisanal nature and with very little capital.

In the garden and patio we have always maintained fruit trees, medicinal plants and some orchard crops, but being a small space we needed other sources of income and we started with the simplest food, food prepared to order and traditional sweets, from this experience we conserve the brand "La Dulce Crucita" that you can find on Facebook, its greatest success was the mango candy, a traditional fruit preserve and the rum with ponsigue, an alcoholic beverage obtained by macerating the fruit in rum with the addition of sugar and spices. Due to inflation we have not produced for several years, but we keep some bottles in storage to celebrate birthdays and meetings with friends.



Harvesting Cucumbers After a Year of Labor | Loy Bukid

Yes, you're reading the right content. If you're not ready, you can skip, but if this broad topic interests you, feel free to continue.

A year after the pandemic reached my door, I had to give up the life in the city to begin anew in my hometown. A lot of new hardships came to test me, but I remained strong and kept believing in my dreams.

Penniless, I exhausted myself into toiling the grass-colonized foothills under the freak weather of 2021—it was a failure, as I was half-hearted though hopeful.

The distance and the terrain of the farm made it difficult to continue my initial work there. Then, I moved to the Garden Orchard, which was close to our home.



Recycling Tips!

Note: recycling rules vary from location to location, so always please check what the rules are where you live!

Hello bee friends! As a companion piece to yesterday's post about reducing your waste, I thought I'd write another about recycling, because let's face it, they make it kind of confusing, no? There are some general rules that I think hold true in most places though, so let's dig in:

Only 9% of all plastic ever created has been recycled, so even though you may diligently put your plastics into the recycle bin, that doesn't mean that anybody is actually recycling them. Why? A multitude of reasons, including: ->there is no market for most of the plastics; numbers 3, 4, 6, and 7 especially are going into landfills and incinerators ->there aren't enough domestic recyclers in the US and China stopped taking our trash a couple years back (and who can blame them!) ->plastic cannot be infinitely recycled and usually is downcycled, which means that it is turned into something of lower quality, which can only happen once or twice. It is not like glass, which can become a new bottle over and over again.



Load Of Grain, Woodpecker, Wrestling Practice - Thursday

Super early yesterday morning I was headed into town to pick up a bunch of grain. The first brewery I was dropping a single empty but found 2 1/2 full barrels waiting for me which got loaded onto the trailer and into the bed of the truck along with the other pair of empties.

Next was the stop at the Steam Plant where I found 4 1/2 barrels which got condensed into 4 and loaded onto the trailer.



Supporting People Who Help
Make The World A Better Place

@ecotrain is a global Hive community gathered around the concept of natural giving, living in harmony with nature and making our world a better place. Changing the world starts with changing ourselves and the way we live, love, work and create together as communities .

We deliberately and consciously curate those posts, blogs & vlogs which speak to the issues, challenges and needs of community living and the emerging Hive ecoVillage communities around the world.

Here are some of the topics we support and curate on:
"Sustainability, ecoVillages, Community, Self-sufficiency, Off-grid Living, Homesteading, Permaculture, Alternative Energy, Alternative Lifestyle, Natural Health, Cooking, Eco-Building, Earthships, Recycling, Esoteric, Inner Transformation, Spiritual, Nature"

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 3 years ago  

Thank you so much @ecotrain for mentioning my post in your valuable post. I have my plans to write more in this beautiful community that will go a long way to bring understand the value of environment. I think ecology is the most important topic of the day!

Hey thank you so much for the curation! <3

Thankyou so much @ecotrain for mentioning me in your valuable post and your valuable support to give me the motivation. And for curation too. I do my best to maintain this.

Every post is amazing. Thanks for this community. Also we can read the IPCC report to understand the reality of our planet. #ClimateChange is a big problem.