Amazing things about kids and parenting

in ecoTrain4 years ago

Hello everyone I'm really excited to be a part of this challenge because it's a very emotional and also interesting topic, although I'm a newbie in this community I feel welcomed and very comfortable already.Being a parent has always been a thing I envision and how fulfilling it will be(I'm not a parent yet but I honestly can't wait for that day to come).
Kids are the most valued gift from God ( for most people) and the love of a parent can never be over emphasize at least I can tell by the way my parents love me, but it can also be a very challenging job for the parent, in this post I'll be giving five(5) amazing kids and parenting.
#1 unconditional love: The love/bond between a parent and child cannot even be explained. Hearing them laugh, unending complains,sweet kisses, tiny hugs, the joy in their faces when you go to pick them from school and how their eyes light up when they receive that special gift they've always wanted, these memories always have a special place in our hearts and the love never dies no matter the conditions.


#2 The need to be a better parent:Most parents struggle in this aspect of parenting alot especially when the child is a teenager. No child is perfect and part of growing up is making mistakes and communication play a strong role in making possible correction, parents should not only discipline bad behavior but also explain why it's bad. Recently my mom called me and was complaining about my younger sister who is 13 years on how she is behaving, I told her it's just the stage she'll eventually get over it, but regardless of how she complain about her she still shower her with alot of gifts and my younger sister is ready to defend and fight for her at all time. I call that the crazy feeling of LOVE
#3 companionship:The parent-child relationship tends to get stronger over time and the more time they spend together enhances a more positive relationship. The late night conversation, helping with homeworks, bedtime stories, heart to heart conversation or random conversation plays a great role and this will also shapen the child's relationship with others.
#4 feeling fulfilled : As a parent there will be some bad habits that you'll definitely have to let go of for the sake of your child, and also a child first piority is to make his/her parents proud and happy. There's need to be more responsible, more respectful, putting your child's needs first before thinking about yourself and also getting this fulfilment because you're doing the right thing.
#5 sacrifice: The sacrifices of a parent is unmeasurable, this sacrifices are made without thinking twice about it as long as their young one is safe. Parents give up their personal needs for the sake of the child's educational and development needs which are more important to them. Parenthood is sacrifice and before you think of bringing a child to this world one need to understand the importance of making these sacrifices
There's a whole lot to say concerning how amazing parenting can be, I often tell people that if I can provide half of thw love and care my mum gave me to my children then I'll consider myself the best mom. Writing about this makes me realize how important it is to appreciate our parents because sadly they are getting old.


Great points you have highlighted. The sacrifice of parents is really amazing. Often tines I ask myself of I could get an equivalent reward for the sacrifices of my parents but I realize that's almost impossible so I love them as much as I can.

Their sole aim is just to see us happy regardless of who get hurt.... God bless them