Honestly it is a valuable and environmentally impactful question that allows me to give my own opinion on the matter.Greetings to all Hivers, especially to the @ecotrain community, who this week brings us another initiative of great weight and value, as is the question: What things could we do differently to reduce climate change?
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Personally, talking about climate change is notorious to talk about the day to day issue of global warming, which undoubtedly has its origin in the huge increase of carbon that goes into the atmosphere, producing certain alterations in the climate such as increased temperature and precipitation that affect the planet and of course, generate extreme hurricanes and droughts that endanger the lives of all living beings on the planet called earth.
I particularly think that if we are aware of the problems that cause global warming or climate change, then we are able to provide both personal and collective solutions to minimize the elements that cause climate change. In the case of my country, Venezuela, because of its oil and gas condition, it seems impossible to control, especially the burning of gas, which undoubtedly produces pollution in the atmosphere and accelerates global warming. However, this is a problem of the Venezuelan state, which must address its solution. There are situations that are out of our hands and we really can not do anything to avoid the problem of climate change, but there are things that we personally can do, which adds value to avoid global warming. If I am aware that some of the electricity and heating runs on carbon, oil and gas, then I should use as little energy as possible by reducing the use of heating and air conditioning. In the same way, when I wash my clothes and those of my family, instead of using the dryer, I can hang the wet clothes out to dry and let the sun do the drying function to save as much electricity as possible and prevent the increase of gases from going up into the atmosphere.
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There are multiple ways in which I personally can contribute to limiting climate change, the most immediate being the electricity I use daily for personal needs and the food we consume. Controlling the electricity to use for air conditioning, dryer, lamp, blender and other electrical appliances is certainly in my hands, which would help less carbon to rise into the atmosphere.
Another very personal reflection to avoid climate change, is related to the means of transportation that I can use to move from one place to another. We know that most vehicles in the world use gasoline or diesel which emit greenhouse gases that logically influence climate change, if instead of using these means of transport and use bicycle or take walks, depending on the place where we want to move, surely, we would be avoiding that more gases rise into the atmosphere, if we use bicycle, public transport or walking to reach our destination. I speak of this as a very personal way to avoid climate change. What is within my reach I can do and control, but what is not within my reach but depends on another instance, I can hardly control. What I can do differently to avoid climate change will simply be what I can control and what I am aware of that can influence global warming. If I control the electricity I consume, as well as the food and personal transportation I use, then I can add significant value to life and health and enjoy better climatic conditions for a healthy and prosperous life on planet earth.
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It's the same in every developing country so I see no reason to blame your own area for this problem. We are running a mad race of industrialization which is one of the major reason for more demand of oil and energy. Thank you!
We can only change what we can control and there is nothing to be done when we can´t control a particular thing. You are right that what is in our means is what we can control and if we can try to contribute our own quota, I believe there will be a change, even if everybody isn´t doing it, what matters is that we are adding value to the earth and protecting it in our own little way.