Hello, @ecoTrain friends, thank you for submitting the new question of the week. Since I was very little my paternal grandfather used to teach me that God in heaven has a beautiful place for honest people and who dedicate their life to God on earth. My grandfather has been dead for 8 years, my question to God is: God could you show me the place where my grandfather is in heaven?
God's answer to my question would be: "Little daughter, imagine a completely beautiful place, full of flowers with a transparent river where there are many little animals drinking water from the stream and around that beautiful stream there are people with holy clothes and smiles that inspire much joy and peace.
If you have been able to imagine that place, I can tell you, my little one, that your old and beautiful grandfather is in a place very similar to the one you could imagine. That place in heaven, I call it "Paradise", where all the souls who are honest, humble, loving, faithful, compassionate and who loved to do good on earth, are precisely the ones who come to this place called "Paradise".
Little daughter, this place is real and I recommend you to follow the steps of your grandfather so that you can see him in paradise, when your opportunity arises. For the time being, do good, forgive and love your fellow men and do not tire of doing good, even with those who hate you. If you do all this, you will come to keep company with your grandfather.
My question to God has been my concern for a being that I loved so much and I hope that the answer that I supposed to receive from God, is as I have narrated.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
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Hello @carlis20 thanks for joining this week QOTW topic.
Your question is one I've at one time or another got lost in thought about, as per how and where our departed love one's who who died in the Lord are.
I really admire your God's response to the question, and when you go through Revelation 21 Vs 9 - 11 and Psalm 50 v 2, it'll help your mind imagine far great beauty and glory beyond that which any eyes as ever behold.
Thanks for sharing your post in the community and joining this week QOTW topic, we look forward to seeing you in subsequent topics.
Stay bless.
Thank you for your valuable and important comments. Happy day to you. Success.
Hi @carlis20 I am impressed by your curiosity about your grandpa's wellbeing. I am sure he is doing well and enjoying his life in the company of almighty. Cheers!
Thank you @rayt260 for your beautiful comment. Happy day to you. Success.
I really like your question which is really awesome to ask with the hive response as well. I believe there's a reward for every actions and attitude we play here on earth that will be judge someday in heaven when we eventually leave the earth and I believe every good soul will have a natural and special place in his kingdom.
Keep up the good work
Thank you @emeka463 for such an important comment that motivates us to do good and hope in God for wonderful things. Happy day.
Been able to see those ones who we loved in a comfortable place in the after life will bring so much joy to the face. Following the righteous path is the key which grant access to paradise. Thanks for contributing to the QOTW
Thank you friend @mayorkeys67 for your valuable comment. We must always strive to do good in order to expect from God the greatness of his love and mercy. Happy day.
I love this part and these are exactly what God wants His children to practice. When we do follow His commandments and precepts, trust me, there is a beautiful place prepared for us when we finally leave this world. Thanks for sharing your thought.