ECOTRAIN QOTW #9.1 // "What Does Spirituality Mean To You?"

in ecoTrain3 years ago


Hi Hiveans,

Hello and welcome to my page. I am @blesy. This is my entry to the question of the week challenge. Kindly follow me as i share my view on the topic which states that "What Does Spirituality Mean To You?"

Spirituality is a realm beyond the natural. It guides the affairs of men and stirs their consciousness to the fact that they are mortal and there is a supernatural being that rules over the affairs of humanity. Spirituality is an identity that distinguishes someone from a mere natural or religious person. Religion is more like a template established for the purpose of fellowship or followership, which depicts our right and attitude to life and humanity.

Spirituality is an encounter of the supernatural sense which induces godly attributes in the life of an individual. Religion is more like a road map or mission to been spiritual. Therefore it is possible for a person to be religious without a supernatural encounter that brings about a revolution in the life of such an individual. Spirituality is a height of devotion and personal commitment to the almighty where the source of all fellowship and commitment comes. It is being religious with a divine purpose of making the world a better place by connecting the heart to the cosmic effect of the supernatural being.
One can be religious and yet full of violence or hatred for the other. Religion extremism is more of a spiritual encounter at some point but being spiritual can be two sided in the sense that one can be spiritual with a positive mindset, attitude and approach to life while the other may be spiritual with a negative mindset and approach to life.

In all, spirituality is the bedrock of peace and unity. It brings about growth, maturity and a sense of development in any given country of the world. So lets embrace spirituality because it is stated in the holy book that "to be carnally minded is death while to be spiritually mindset brings life and peace and this is what we all we need in this dispensation. So be spiritually minded and foster love and peace. Change begins with you and me.

Hope I've been able to share my thought on "what spirituality means to me." This is my entry to #QOTW Challenge an initiative brought forward by @ecotrain.

Thank you Hiveans for your time. Hoping for your support and feedback. Do have a moment.

From @blesy


 3 years ago  

thank you @blesy ! really cute post.. a little short but i upvoted because it read well <3