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RE: Not so apocalyptic

in Inspired by Naturelast year (edited)

Between the changes through which our sun is going, and the intense use of weather modification/warfare technologies, weather globally had been a tad wild for sure. Pollution doesn't help, but it's only a part of the story. Nature will always find a balance, even when it seems unlikely. People are only brainless because they've been raised in a slave system that has them quite dumbed down, disconnected, and distracted. Many are waking from the this induced slumber now, though it still seems to take ages.

You share many exceptionally beautiful photos, as usual, which I deeply appreciate indeed. Nature has always been extremely important for me, which is why I love so close with it now. 😁🙏💚✨🤙


I think that there have always been, there are and there will be people who are awake or awakening, but clearly that is not the point of it all, the design and the plan is different, so to speak. Maybe we should accept it (without resigning). The awakened are just about some sort of balance that everything needs basically, but they won't help anything... complicated subject.
Glad you like my photos and thank you for your insightful comment as usual 😊🙏

Indeed, there have always been those who are what could be called awakened. Awakening has infinite stages, with each new stage being entry into a far vaster world of experience. In terms of the Collective, there are more awake and aware, and to a much greater degree, than ever before. That of course clearly highlights the areas of remaining unconsciousness. That's why the slave system is on the verge of collapse. The intention of the awakeners is always to assist, though never to attempt to force the process. Acceptance of the present state is what opens the door to transformation and shifts. Integration, balance, and wholeness...

Yes, I love your photos! Absolutely, you're most welcome! I'm grateful that you found them so! 😁🙏💚✨🤙