New species around, winter edition


The title picture is deceptive, I admit. 😃 It's because today we are gonna talk about insects. And who loves insects?
Personally, I am horrified by some. I also have a fear phobia of others. Yes, I am a nature lover, but do not be surprised at what I tell you. Nobody's perfect, right? And everyone has their preferences, their experiences, their thoughts, associations and feelings. They cannot be overcome with age, they remain deeply rooted.
But enough ramblings and excuses. I'm not apologizing for myself, I'm apologizing for any of you who won't like my photos. Of some unassuming creature whose species I actually do not know.


The thing is, as usual, I don't have the exact pictures, the pictures of the animals I want to tell you about. It's not because I can't photograph them. If I try, I might succeed (though I doubt it). So I'm putting these pictures here instead, just for illustrative purposes again, you know.


Yes, I know, I'm breaking all the rules today, because the insects I want to tell you about have nothing to do with the ones I'm showing, but I had no choice. I found these pictures in my phone and thought: Perfect, they will work for me!
And so, today I want to tell you about the insects that I have been seeing around for a while now. Yes, in the middle of winter. Strange right? Strange things happen every year, both to the climate and to earth's inhabitants (animals and plants I mean). Every year, as I have told you before, there is an influx of new and new insects. Insects I've never seen before. And right at that moment there is an influx of... mosquitoes.


In the middle of winter, swarms of mosquitoes roam the garden, landing on all the windows waiting to be opened, sometimes even sneaking through the nets and entering the house. But this time I'm not scared. There is no room for panic. Even if one of these creatures has entered the bedroom, I go to bed peacefully. You know it's usually impossible to go to bed if you know there's a mosquito in your room. It will find a way to drink your blood all night and not let you sleep.

However, that cannot happen now. It is impossible. Why? For approaching several of these gnats as they were perched on my window, I noticed something strange about them—they had no blood-sucking proboscis.


Have you ever seen mosquitoes without proboscis? I can assure you that as soothing as the sight is, it is quite strange. I would never reach to kill any of these animals, but I can't stop wondering - where did they come from, what are they doing in the garden in the middle of winter and why do they look like that? 🤔

Copyright: @soulsdetour

Hive.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.

Yes, in the middle of winter. Strange right?

We (my brother and me) in Hungary saw flies and mosquitos in the previous few weeks. Probably because of the mild winter.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Well, winter is not that super mild, but probably milder than it could be.
Take care!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 141 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

In my area this insect is called a walang sangit, there are so many of these in my place

Well, I knew it! All the strange things are coming from the Asian part of the world 🤭 Or this is native to my part here, too. I don't know, I'm not an expert. Thanks for the information!

equally love

We adapt too but it seems animals are able to adapt ever quickly, right?
Fascinating story, as usual :)


!giphy have a great day

Nature in general is the most adaptive entity. I'm always fascinated by these calculations about how long it will take nature to take over the big cities when people disappear.
Giphy's so cute 😻 Love it!

True... true!
I remember watching such type of documentaries on Discovery, I think. Fascinating :)

Thank you!


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, how Mosquito without a proboscis, how is it possible🤭, But in my mind, it is not impossible in this world if nature has said so, and the images you share also look beautiful😊

Ha ha, exactly - "if nature had said so". Very well said! 😃
Thank you!

🤭🤭 Thanks also for responding to my comments