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RE: Surrounded just by mountains - would you live here?

in Inspired by Nature2 years ago

I can't agree more with you, with your every single word!
We see people not finding their happiness as they always long for something that they don't have, and when the desired thing is in their hands, then another thing becomes the object of longing. I don't say we should not have our dreams and wishes, but when we want to achieve something we just have to let ourselves enjoy the process of getting there. Enjoy all the effort and sacrifice! That's it, the process of getting somewhere is already giving the needed satisfaction, if not, we convert ourselves into stressed and frustrated individuals. Is it good for us and the others? Of course, it is not.
Now my own question is would I be able to leave my current comfort (well, not the comfort, it's not the word I was looking for) and the things I do now? If I would not like the current way of living it would be an easy question hahah. Ok, ok, I could live with less work hahaha, much less work. but would definitely like to continue to play the piano for others, and have rehearsals and performances. It would not be the same playing for a few field mice and just for myself 😁
A fusion of things we like, combining and respecting nature and our own needs, as you also say no matter actually where but how... is it the thing we were looking for, does it satisfies our needs and in the end, do we feel on the place and happy with our decision... I do know that I would come for that tea to your kingdom, @nanixxx , where we can freely be fuera de nylon 😁


An explosion of joy, an infinite pleasure... and immediately my mind starts to travel and is light on its feet.
And I've got a song in the background, of course... A classic, a prelude to symphonic rock... There's some Bach in there? A Whiter Shade of Pale, by Annie Lennox.
Come whenever you want ☺️

Let's bring music here then :)))

It is just a part that is similar to Bach's tune, Air on the G string. Just similar, but it totally sounds like Bach ;)

🫠 Melted like a chocolate ice cream milkshake
