
Indudablemente que en el planeta existen graves problemas dentro del orden establecido, sin embargo, y muy a pesar de ello, debemos ser cautelosos a la hora de corregirlos, puesto que a lo largo de la historia queda demostrado que dentro del pensamiento político existe una franja muy estrecha entre el socialismo y el comunismo, si bien es cierto que el primero predica el bienestar de la sociedad y la igualdad de oportunidades (entre otras tantas) con solo un estornudo, y sin darnos cuenta, nos podríamos encontrar en el otro lado de la franja, donde, tristemente, le roban a la "sociedad" uno de sus privilegios más sagrados, EL LIBRE ALBEDRÍO...

Thanks so much @cheovarnez :-) I'm not Spanish or Portuguese, so my response is based on the Google translation of your comment...

I agree with what you're saying here; all major transitions, especially the political and economical kind, have to be done with the greatest of care to not repeat the mistakes of the system we're trying to leave behind us. However, communism strives for a society without state or money, which seems Utopian, but isn't anywhere near the totalitarian forms of the state socialism and state capitalism horrors of our past.

I love decentralized blockchain and cryptocurrency as a means of keeping money more competitive and accountable, as an option and not as a requirement. Also, blockchain is a good system for voting, for exchanging information, for education, for news. Aspects of governments can be run through blockchain, through technology, as an alternative to being ruled too excessively behind closed doors by a few. In other words, the Internet has been exposing corruption in government these past few decades and that helps people know what they need to do. For example, Brazil.

I believe in those same benefits of blockchain technology @joeyarnoldvn. But that still leaves us with an unjust capitalist framework; it doesn't solve the problem.

especially if you're still hung up on our current socioeconomic arrangement of so called free market capitalism;

We are not in free market capitalism.

We are currently in the last phases of failing socialism.
(central banking, unsound money, and redistribution of wealth by government is socialism - since the early 20th century).

But don't ever let facts get in the way... (then the whole ideology would be truly fucked lol)

You really should stop taking yourself seriously; I know I have ;-) I'll just repeat what I always have to say to you: first figure out what socialism is, what capitalism is, and then come back with sound arguments.

Excellent...first they ignore you...