
Rob would be a great addition to Hive!, he uses LBRY already so he knows about blockchain

I do think people's attitudes towards privacy are changing... not fast enough for my liking, but they are changing. Thoughts on privacy are changing from "I've got nothing to hide" to "I'd really like to stop being harrassed by companies" and "It's completely unfair for companies to profit off my personal information".

I was also alarmed by Amazon's sidewalk. From a technology point of view I'm really impressed... it could make our device connections so seamless, it could be one of those things that we don't know how we lived without... but as you've mentioned, the potential invasion of privacy and potential tracking is immense.

I don't have any smart items in my home, and I really hope that a small company starts making smart devices that provably don't transmit back to base... and we can all vote with our wallets... because I love the idea of a smart home, but not at the current cost of privacy.

#privacy and #zcash could use more posts

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