
Yeah you really have to throw a lot of engagement into getting a tiny bit in return here.

And it's looking like a civil rights lawsuit that's been a long time coming and very needed.

You messaged me awhile back about how to grow the Hive account here...but I'm open for suggestions on how to actually make something out of it!

Come find me on discord.

I'll need another invite. Last time I tried to join your group it was giving me all types of fits if I remember and saying I couldn't log in and a bunch of shit but I'll try again!

Discord sucks.

Then I'm not sure if I'm going to stay on the blockchain much longer or if I'm just going to power down and cash out...

Things have been going downhill pretty badly around here.

Just lack of engagement or what? Last I saw they were doing a lot of stuff around here but then again I was out for months so I'm in the blue. Is it even worth it?

I just pulled a thousand bucks out and I've still got 5K... And it's all making interest as well as trading...

Idk. It's not doing well but you never know.

I do have investments now paying me and my puppy dog! So that's always good.

But it's like the 90s internet around here. Not the promised new technology that has been dragging.

So let's see what happens. But earning enough stake to.make more?

Then you might just end up being the last person I teach the secrets of Hive to.