A recent article in the Chicago Tribune was aptly titled:
Some young people planning fewer or no kids because of climate change
This PERFECTLY encapsulates so much that is going haywire with modern society, all wrapped up with a tiny little bow on top for all to marvel at.
Collin Pearsall has friends who have started having children. But he has chosen a different path — due, in large part, to climate change.
Followed shortly is a truly astounding and mind-blowing statement about "Collin Persall", a 30 year old "man" (I use that term lightly) and how:
Pearsall worries about the greenhouse gas emissions a child would add to a planet already experiencing the effects of rising temperatures.
While I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with the fact that people like Collin Persall probably shouldn't be breeding, it is very clear from this statement that the globalist propaganda that has been hammered into the brains of mainly left leaning disciples through public education is paying huge dividends for those that seek to control, manipulate and ultimately destroy what it is to be human.
Further down the article is a "study" by the ominously named Lancet Planetary Health group which concluded that:
Data is scarce but a 2021 study published in the journal Lancet Planet Health found that 36% of teens and young adults were hesitant to have children due to climate change.
Adding to the dung heap is the fact that the University Of Chicago Public Indoctrination and Enslavement Center for The Youth is now offering a new class to its socialist pedigree entitled the ethics of reproduction during the climate crisis.
One doesn't need to use much imagination to pontificate on what sort of mind-blowing information and insights can be gleaned from this glorious new program.
Perhaps the syllabus should be a single printed piece of white paper with the word "DIE.* printed in large black ink on the middle of the paper, with a line for a supportive signature from the would-be student at the bottom.
Clearly the goal of depopulation and a general hatred of humanity is becoming more and more mainstream and target #1 is the youth as with most socialist propaganda efforts.
The way that these globalist dictators view humanity is more and more as a machine and non-living entity than a soul-encased spiritual being with vibrant life energy running through it.
Exhibit a:
According to a 2017 analysis in the journal Environmental Research Letters, having one less child is associated with a reduction of 58.6 metric tons of CO2 equivalents, which compares to 2.4 metric tons a year for living car-free.
Congratulations, swine!
If you have one less child (and of course sit in the living pod, eat bugs and listen to your favorite propaganda through your Virtual Reality goggles) you can stop that pesky carbon dioxide from spewing forth from your birthright's disgusting, virus-spreading face.
Its much better if you just don't procreate. After all, who needs all those pesky "children of God" and the extension of the human race, after all. There's too many of you useless eaters as it is.
Let the technocrats make all of your (fake) desires and (fake) hopes and dreams that they told you you should have, come true. You can watch porn, play video games, watch CNN and scroll through A.I. generated social media personalities while your soul is crushed by the algorithms that are created especially for you by propaganda experts like Edward Bernays and his uncle Sigmund Freud, tailored to control and manipulate your every thought, movement and desire!
They are very sorry for these students however, as Del Vicchio, the University of Chicago instructor explains:
“I do hear a great sense of loss and lament and frustration about their reproductive choices being minimized or complicated by the climate crisis, but I also want to emphasize that people are finding their way to create these meaningful relationships even if they aren’t having more children,” she said.
They're reproductive choices being minimalized and complicated, you say?
You wouldn't happen to mean the same "reproductive choice" that is akin to terminating your unborn fetus, would you?
It seems that the proper line of action for most humans, according to journalism sentinels like The Tribune, always involves the death of someone or else the choice not to bring more humans into the world?
The article ends with a banger, to cement the climate change narrative and leave the reader truly riveted and just captivated by this work of art:
“Everybody has their own coping strategy to focus on other stuff and not get too bogged down,” he said. “But when it’s 75 degrees in February, it can bubble to the top.”
You go girl!
You tell 'em about that warm day in February, throw your hair over your shoulders and stride away into the distance; the argument has been concluded with a mic-drop of epic proportions.
Just remember dear reader: Every breath you take is an insult to the planet, minutely warming it. Your very life-force that miraculously and autonomously goes into and out of your magnificent lungs, is a chemical poison to these people. Your breathing means that they might have to tolerate your wretched stench and presence just that much longer. You should just stop breathing. Look, it would be better for everybody that way. And god forbid you teach a smaller version of yourself, called a "baby", how to replicate the same God-given skills that you have.
Disgusting maggot, just kill yourself and save the planet already.