Fluoridation Court Case Set To Wrap Up - Media Silent

in Deep Dives11 months ago

Are we really surprised that the mainstream media is pretty much deadly silent on this most concerning health topic. What little can be found in the missing-link media is basically a whitewash of the more important aspects and implications of the whole trial...namely that fluoride does not, never has, and will never be good for your teeth which is ostensibly why it was dumped into the public drinking water starting in the 1940's.

But what else is new concerning the "news" these days.

According to Bloomberg news:

A federal judge in California will decide if adding fluoride to the drinking water of 200 million Americans is too risky for children’s developing brains based on research showing it could lower their IQs.

This on its face is somewhat comforting because it at least hints at the fact that fluoride, a byproduct of industrial processing, may in fact, as most synthetic chemicals seem to be, be detrimental to the overall cognitive health of humans in general and children in particular.

Even the NIH has published studies on this topic:

Elevated fluoride levels reduce children's intelligence in India

Differences in participant's sociodemographic characteristics, urinary iodine, urinary lead, and urinary arsenic levels were statistically not significant (P>0.05). However, a statistically significant difference was observed in the urinary fluoride levels (P 0.000). Reduction in intelligence was observed with an increased water fluoride level (P 0.000). The urinary fluoride level was a significant predictor for intelligence (P 0.000).


The above picture is a 1950's flyer back when people seemed to give a shit.

The trial itself can be followed on this judicial site open to the public.


Its little wonder that most people do not get this kind of information. And if they do happen to stumble onto it, which is basically the only way they ever will find anything of real importance, it will resemble closely an onion, with layer upon layer of bullshit all leading down to a tender underbelly of truth.

It is this underbelly that true researchers and people that care about the facts of the matter seek out. We care not about the heresay, the doublespeak, the lies, the corporate whitewashing, the red herrings strewn across the path of knowledge to throw off our scent.

This case represents several different facets of the health industry. First, it addresses the capture of regulatory agencies by industrial entities. This revolving door policy is commonplace in practically every government regulatory agency and the EPA is no different.

This is where a strange sort of cognitive dissonance takes effect. People all over the country claim to "know" that these regulatory agencies are corrupt, yet they will usually defend these draconian policies, such as fluoridation, anyway.

A big reason for this is that people on the whole don't want to admit they have been conned for a long time. This is natural. Nobody wants to be "the idiot". Only you're not being an idiot by simply admitting that you didn't know something. In fact its a sign of intelligence; you can reevaluate your position and update it according to new data.

But when I tell my family to get rid of their fluoridated toothpaste (its the same fluoride!) because its not healthy, I'm met with the eye roll.

This phenomenon is because people don't really think something is harming them when its a very small and somewhat imperceptible issue...such as fluoridation. They think because they drink water all the time, and they "feel ok", that nothing is happening...and god forbid the government would ever do anything to harm us on a huge scale, right?

Even though that's exactly what this is... and is being addressed by the court system.

Another fact in this case is that if it is determined and a verdict is upheld that water fluoridation is harmful to people's health especially children's...then that MIGHT open up a lot of people to the endless other scams and harmful practices that are being done to them every single day.

Fluoridation is widely held as one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century.

If the government is wrong about this, which it is, and many of us know it, then it opens the flood gates.

This is the crux of the whole thing. There are certain pillars of "public health" that are so lucrative and immersive, that if they were to fall...entire parts of this system would crumble overnight. As they should.

The public must be kept in the dark, and massive lies must be pushed for generation after generation to keep this charade up. And in an era like this, with so much information available, although it is heavily censored and ignored by the media, little cracks in the dam of ignorance that envelopes the entire psyche of America (and the world) can split the whole thing open...because more and more people are starting to question these long held beliefs.

This case is slated to be judged on as soon as next week, so it is important to keep an eye on it, even if the media won't.

Food and Water Watch vs Environmental Protection Agency