Conscious Thinking To Deprogram

in Deep Dives9 months ago

According to psychological and marketing reports (for whatever that is worth these days) 95% or so of our decisions are unconscious.

I have learned over time from various sources that MOST people are making MOST decisions unconsciously in various ways.

This, to me, encapsulates one of the major driving of utter lunacy that we can behold worldwide in the last decade or so. Its been going on for much longer than that, but it is accelerating at jet pace currently as we see cultures in developed countries breaking apart at the seams.

Its the unconscious programming: The Matrix Control System at work in people's lives.

Naturally, a remedy for this problem is in order. This is something we can all strive for and many truth seekers do in fact try very hard to break their programs...although the struggle is never-ending which can be frustrating. There is no "end goal" for personal development and knowledge. There will always be mysteries and feelings of confusion and frustration. Maybe that's just a fact of life in the plane of existence.


Here we explain the art of the programming and then more importantly how to break it.

The Construct

I'm a bit obsessed with The Matrix if you can't tell. Not only a great movie in an age of woke nonsensical detrituts, its also an apt metaphor for the mental prison that the Global Elite try to construct for all of us, brick by brick through propaganda, subliminal programming, social peer pressure and perhaps all of all the sheep mentality where it is crucial that the global herd of normies acts as a de-facto psychological cushion against those that wake up to the nonsense.

The program itself is self-regulating in that we all are a part of it to varying degrees and we succumb to the fads of the day in the way of low-level arbitrary conversations and dialogue with people around us.

Most people are simply flapping their gums when they speak. They utter nonsensical babble by the bushel and are convinced that somehow it is intelligent. People don't use their words carefully, they talk too much and listen too little and fail to analyze their own internal dialogue before releasing a deluge onto those around them. Gossip and garbage is the order of the day.

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Deep conversations are hard to come by and most people shut off internally when confronted. They are intellectually stunted and lazy and do not wish to use the massive brainpower bestowed upon them by the universe to anything approaching full potential.

It all starts with The Construct (like from the movie) which is our "blank state" at birth. I know people will disagree with this and I am totally on board with past life or genetic memories that we carry from past lives or those of our ancestors. So the slate is never entirely "blank" but for the purpose of the article it will do to say that most of our minds are clean and unravaged at first and then we "learn" to fill in the massive blank space.

Through public education, possibly the worst offender in the battle of our minds, the very idea of seeking out knowledge is cudgeled to a bitter pulp over years and years of steady and unrelenting indoctrination. This indoctrination is set forth and very precisely created by people and groups that are masters of psychology and social engineering. They know exactly what they are doing, why they are doing it and what they hope to accomplish. It is like a chess master playing against someone that is seeing the chessboard for the first time and is clueless.

We all "learn" the same exact group of mostly false or irrelevant ideas and thus we think we are smart when we "graduate" because we did a splendid job of memorizing and regurgitating this useless jumble of data. We are programmed to see no connection between any two ideas and are left with a gobbly-gook of unrelated thoughtforms that leave most of us completely unprepared to even fathom the higher ideas of life and how the world works.

So our "constructs" are filled with predetermined ideas and "facts", broadly brushed through everyone so we have a "common unreality" of the situation at large. Then we go around in public and talk about these useless nonsensical fallacies and pretend to be informed.

And like the psychologist in the article linked above says, 95% of our decisions are based off these ideas that aren't even our own.

This is the Matrix. Go to school, get a "job" that you secretly hate and resent, to make fake-money to spend on fake-material things that you don't need, talk to people about fake-ideas that you don't have the slightest real understanding of, and then pay homage to the government that did all of this to you by design, and be told that anything else is "unpatriotic" or, as we see more recently, "extremist" or even "terroristic" in nature.

The world is getting hotter. Why? We say so.

Viruses are everywhere trying to kill you. Why? We say so.

The earth is in danger and your very existence and participation is the culprit. Why?

You get the point.

Everything...literally EVERYTHING that our governments, NGO's and unelected bureaucracies say to us is in some way either a partial-truth or outright lie, or theft either physically or mentally.

Freedom is held in utter contempt by these people. They both hate it and fear it more than anything because it is the one true key to their outing as frauds and charlatans and the secret weapon to their destruction.

This is why they litter our lives with distractions, each segment of the population specially targeted with individual methods. They study us and perform social experiments to see how they can deceive and distract us individually at more and more visceral levels. Their ultimate goal is to literally get inside of your head and just take control right from the get go.

They encourage addictions and useless knowledge and degeneracy and confusion of all sorts. Porn, video games, t.v., pubic schooling, gambling, drugs, fear, laziness, procrastination, aimless drifting, stupidity. Anything to encourage the program while taking our rights whenever possible.

Conscious thinking is the real enemy. Questioning and critically thinking about things, especially major ideas, yields the fact that they are lying about everything and anything. The solutions to these problems that they try so hard to convince us of don't involve them and don't feed into their schemes and thus starve them of vital energy force that they wish to consume like vampires.

So the solution is to become conscious and then to act consciously in as many things as we can and help other people to do the same.

Conscious Thinking and Action

When hungry, eat. When tired, sleep. - Thich Nhat Hanh

As someone who struggles with addiction as much as anyone else I know that conscious thinking is the key to breaking the chains and living a more vibrant and fulfilling life, which is the one thing that the controllers don't want.

Meditation in its many forms is the key to this. There's literally infinite ways to incorporate conscious thinking into any action in life. You don't need to sit in the lotus position on a padded blanket with a gong next to you. You can be meditative in all aspects...even when you're out interacting in society.

Meditation and consciousness means different things to everyone. But one thing that helps people to start their journey is to become the observer of their thoughts instead of the monkey mind that is hearing those thoughts.


Simply put, you aren't the thoughts emanating in your mind. You are the one that is listening to those thoughts.

And those thoughts, remember, were largely put there by people that want to control you. So they truly are "mind controlling" the public, by tricking people into thinking that they are thinking their own thoughts when in reality its been largely planned and constructed so that the people and groups that did the constructing already know what thoughts you are thinking because they designed those thoughts for you.

So you listen to those thoughts, consciously. You analyze those thoughts and you learn to analyze your mind. You ask yourself "Where did this thought come from? Did I develop it, or was I told this by someone else? Did I create the knowledge internally or was it placed there by someone or something else?"

You use the infinite resources at your disposal (books, internet, mentors, your own intuition, etc.) to unlearn and then relearn your own thoughts. You break the programming.

This is actually the easy part. The hard part is what happens when you break the programming.

Now, you are one of the exiles. Like when Neo unplugs physically from the physical unconscious battery he was connected to, you pull out the plugs, and then the system sees that you've done can't hide...and then it ejects you down the proverbial toilet bowl and launches your now awake body into the sewer.

Congratulations, welcome to chapter two.

Now, you are hereby exiled from 90% of society. You are thinking for yourself. For this you will face ridicule, dismissal and targeted campaigns of zombie hordes of zombies to attempt to demoralize you to your inner most core of being. You will be tested like you have never been tested before. You will become depressed, angry, you will realize the massive deception and utter ridiculousness and you will be forced to question everything that until recently you knew to be "true".

But you can't go back to before. You can never go back...and you won't want to anyway in time. You will be flummoxed by what most people are doing. They will seem somehow alien to you. You will wonder why the hell people don't see what you see, why do they allow themselves to be treated the way they are treated, why do they knowingly destroy themselves?

Why do they work so hard only to pay extortion to "government" agencies?

Why do they take so many pharmaceutical drugs and injections in order to "be healthy" when they are obviously nothing of the sort as a result?

Why do they feel depressed about such ludicrous fallacies like global warming?

There is a silver lining to it all. Life is a fantastic thing. It is marvelous and the world is awesome and nature is unbelievable and it is there to help you in so many don't have to do what the system has designed for don't have to constantly chase money and things and addictions.

You will undoubtedly develop a spiritual perspective...what kind of craziness is it that we are told to believe that we are just lumps of chemicals and matter that miraculously develops here, but when we "die" we just turn to maggot food and then are gone forever?

The hardest and most fulfilling part of this journey is that you can design your own life without these disgusting creatures trying to control everything you do. You can have freedom...if you take it willfully and don't give it away. You will make better decisions that benefit yourself and others around you. And you can help other people realize the lie they've been living.

Its hard, it takes effort and discipline...but its worth it.

Break then chains.



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