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RE: Canada Freedom Convoy 2022: Too Polite for Revolution? [eng/срп] Канадски конвој слободе 2022: Превише љубазни за револуцију?

in Deep Dives3 years ago

I agree with R.K Jr. I believe protests are a conduct they have taught us so we can warn them when something is too early for them to implement. We need people to get organized in every country to do concerted action and boycott them in every way possible.



Thank you for your support, @zhishuijing. Please note that the point R. F. K Jr. tried to convey is this: No tyrant will leave power without force. Never happened and never will.

Yes brother! I agree, and I believe history proves it. That's why we are working on implementing the #matrix8 solution. So we can give the power to the people and do it!
