War of terrorism against terrorism

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

Before 9/11, we were following the news of Palestine alone... But now we are following the news of Palestine with other countries since then: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Mali, Somalia, Nigeria, and Burma ... The rest will come in the future as long as we fight terrorism......
The concept of terrorism because of its misplaced use has become devoid of all its true concepts and has become incomprehensible and trivial ... It can be used all the time and against any persona non grata .....

Siege of Qatar because it supports terrorism, the siege of Gaza because it is the home of terrorism, and the destruction of Syria and Iraq to eliminate terrorism, the coup d'état on the choice of the Egyptian people to choose a terrorist president ...etc.

any president of any Western government can start his speech with the word "fight against terrorism", then he can do anything, and you will find someone to applaud and strongly support, simply because he fights terrorism...

To fight terrorism you can occupy countries, destroy their homes, kill their children then you can steal their oil and gas, and experience all the advanced weapons in their cities ......

"Countering terrorism" has become an exciting speech in order to win elections and make your people blind.....

Are they really fighting terrorism?

First, we need to know what terrorism means as they claim.
Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to further certain political or social objective

Now, who is the real terrorist? and who is using the force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to further certain his political or social objectives...

the United States destroyed Iraq for its oil and made its people live in a civil war that didn't end even today...
Isn't the United States a terrorist?


France, which claims to be fighting terrorism in Africa, created terrorism in Mali and made the Malian people live in extreme poverty while stealing their gold. France has the fourth gold reserves in the world, although there is no gold mine in France. Isn't that weird?...

Isn't France a terrorist?

In this video, French soldiers are shown laughing and happy that they bombed houses with children. I tried to search for this video in English but I did not find it Who knows French can understand them.

To fight terrorism, Sweden is bombing Afghan homes in order to market their new fighter jets, the Swedish government said. Please, is there terrorism like this?

Isn't Sweden a terrorist?

When the government force Covid-19 vaccines on the people and use all its media power to scare their people from the danger of covid. Isn't that terrorism, also?

True terrorism is terrorism practiced by our governments and companies against our planet and against our humanity ...


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