Bitcoin - a revenge for the common man?

in Deep Dives3 months ago (edited)

Nokia refused Android

Kodak refused digital cameras

Three Lessons?

Take chances and risks
Embrace the eternal Change
If you refuse to change with time, you'll become outdated.


Is this now true for bitcoin?

Facebook takes over whatsapp and instagram

Grab takes over Uber in Southeast Asia


Become so powerful that your competitors become your allies.
Reach the top and eliminate the competition.
Keep on innovating.
Keep track of the pace of change.

This is also absolutely true about Bitcoin?

Bitcoin's game theory incentives everyone to support instead of attack bitcoin.
Incentives to profit from supporting bitcoin.
Instead of wasting resources to attack bitcoin.

Also bitcoin is open source and innovation will go on.

Lamborghini was founded as a result of revenge from a tractor manufacturer who was insulted by Ferrari founder Enzo Ferrari.

Similarly Banks and governments around the globe have been insulting common man by any possible way to imahne..

The printer never stopped after destroying the gold standard.

Inflation, interest rates, devaluation and decrease in purchasing power of the paper money, Cantillon effect (only at the top benefitting) have been killing all expectations of common man now.


Is Bitcoin our revenge?


Bitcoin seems big enough to incentive its enemies now, as it seems.

It just stays thrilling, exciting, fascinating.



Genau genommen war Nokias Problem die Smartphone Welle nicht geritten zu haben. Das hatte mit Andoid quasi nichts zu tun. Es war das Design...

Die Menschen haben halt lieber herumgetoucht, statt Knöpfe gedrückt. :-)

Ich weis das, weil ich Nokia seit meinem 14 Lebensjahr aktiv Verfolge in der Entwicklung, und auch bei seinem Untergang war ich an dessen Seite.

Witzigerweise hat Nokia dann mit der Lumia Reihe mächtig viele Neuerungen eingebaut, die sich teils erst heute als Normal zeigen.

So kann das gehen, ich sage mir immer. Da steckt man nicht drin. Bei allem Wissen und Weisheit nicht. :-)