Two Tragedies in One Day

in Deep Diveslast year

I fell asleep yesterday, as usual, more early than late, closer to morning. The sounds of explosions are commonplace and don't bother me as much as they used to.
I slept through at least 8 missile hits on my city sweet as a baby.
When I woke up at 10 o'clock I was amazed at the damage to my city's infrastructure that I saw in the news feed.

I must confess that I have never seen more colorful and so close videos of missile arrivals in the entire war!

The moment of hitting the dam from different angles

The fact that this place, where I often liked to walk and enjoy the view of Khortytsya Island - the center of the universe and the turbulent streams of the Dnieper water brought some sadness and longing.

There must have been casualties among the peaceful workers on duty in the morning in the second engine room of the Dnieper HPP, it is difficult to even imagine their grief for their lost loved ones. I would like to express my condolences, but they are unlikely to read them here, and what will they get from my condolences against the background of their grief?..

The fate of the driver and possible passengers of the burned trolleybus remains unknown to me. For strategic and informational reasons, our side is trying to conceal as much as possible the real number of victims and locations of each of the numerous Russian attacks.

I also learned that today was the largest attack on the power generation and distribution systems of Ukraine. Kharkiv and part of Odessa and other cities, as well as many villages were left without electricity. There were also successful hits on distribution substations in other cities and a tank building factory.


Russia is systematically and consistently taking out our critical infrastructure for the country t economy, and the authorities do not even think about at least negotiating peace.... It is absurd to continue the war with a more powerful enemy with less and less aid flows from NATO countries! Apparently there ☝️ better to know how to manage the country and how many of us should remain on the territory of what size from the previous one.

Three dead reported in Zaporizhzhya and several more injured
By evening, traffic through the dam had been restored. Machine rooms and distribution equipment cannot be restored under war conditions

I have already somehow got used to the news of the last two weeks about the intensification of our attacks on the Russian borderland and shelling of villages in the Belgorod region, as well as the regional center itself, but the evening news broke through even my cold-bloodedness and pragmatism. It dampened even my morning emotions about the rocket attack on my city

The evening terrorist attack that took place on March 22, 2024 at 20:15 Moscow time at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk in the Moscow region struck even me with its cruelty and senselessness.

Numerous videos from eyewitnesses' phones have been circulating on the Internet, showing at least four terrorists shooting visitors of the shopping center at point-blank range with automatic rifles even at the entrance.
I will not attach here the bloody footage of the evacuation, past the wounded and corpses, survivors, those who want a thrill can easily find them online.

Some of the audience gathered in the hall for the planned show were cut off from the exit by the fire and were waiting for evacuation on the roof.
The rescuers could not start rescuing people for a long time, waiting for authorization and completion of the work of the special forces. Тhe fire has burned an area of one and a half square kilometers.

So far, there have been no official reports of the liquidation or detention of terrorists, although I have seen a video of one detained man, hardly a terrorist.

There have been reports of explosions inside the mall
At least 62 dead and more than 100 injured have been reported so far.

CNN published a fake that IS claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall

Residents of Tallinn bring flowers and lamps to the building of the Russian Embassy in Estonia, mourning the victims of the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.

Serbs carry flowers to the Russian embassy to honor the memory of the victims
Residents of Uzbekistan bring flowers to the Russian embassy in memory of those killed during the terrorist attack in Moscow.
Right now, dozens of people are carrying flowers outside the Russian Embassy in Minsk to share their grief and express support for the people of Russia.

All European countries except Ukraine have expressed condolences over the terrorist attack. Also no one has yet claimed responsibility for what happened or made any demands to the authorities, which is suspiciously unlike the algorithm of radical Islamic fundamentalists.
The terrorists did not follow through and become shahids, as is customary among Islamic terrorists. Instead, they acted very lightning fast and fled the scene.

I am also a little confused by the fact that the Americans warned their citizens in Russia in advance about the need to stay away from mass events, concerts and any crowds of people.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has similar suspicions:

The calls of the US and British embassies not to visit the shopping center in Moscow indicate that their special services had information about possible terrorist attacks


Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis posted a tweet "Let's not lose focus". What can do, it's just a job...

The situation is getting more and more heated, the catching of men of draft age on the streets is getting tougher, and there are fewer and fewer volunteers to fight.
We are waiting for Macron's announced introduction of the NATO contingent and Russia's corresponding military response.

Especially since today, shortly before what happened, Dmitry Peskov, Putin's spokesman, admitted that Russia is moving from a SWO to a state of war!


Moscow cannot allow the existence on its borders of a state that will officially try by all means to take away Crimea and the territories of the new regions

So, there will be no talks, no negotiations, no freezing of the conflict. It is obvious that they could not reach a peaceful agreement with HATO.

It's a pity! Such a tragic absurdity should not happen in a civilized society in the age of artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies and brain implants.... I am referring not only to the conflict between the brotherly peoples of Russia and Ukraine, which is being thoroughly inflated and sponsored by Western politicians.

It was especially sad for me to go through all this, realizing that we are one fraternal people and innocent people like you and me are dying on both sides of the border and someone is making super profits on our senseless deaths 😔

Click 🔛

Ukrainian War Crime [NSFW 18+ Only!]The Simple Example of Modern Mass Deception


The things one gets used to.... I experienced this weird normality during war in Georgia, and reports from soldiers in the siege of Sarajevo had a lot of anecdotes of that weird normality while hiding between the front lines...
War does change people and damages those who think it wise to fight. It is only a small elite that does grow during war, and what grows within them is terribly ugly.

You're right, a normal person wouldn't wish his neighbor dead unless there was personal gain involved.
My people are so stupid for the most part that they are not able to understand that this is not our war
People are going to die for slogans they heard on TV. Under the pretext of democracy, we are ready to kill our neighbors for a different point of view on things

I do not think that stupidity is unique to the Ukraine. I just realized that the remaining candidates for President of the US (Besides Dr. Shiva, who will not win) are all lifelong Democrats. Trump ran as a Republican because they are easier to lie to, he said this on the Oprah Winfrey show in the 1980s, but the video of that interview has been censored and scrubbed from the internet. People have offered $k's for that video. There must be some remaining copies of it on videotape that cannot be deleted digitally, or on airgapped storage. RFK,Jr., also a lifelong Democrat, only runs as an independent because Biden is the incumbent and the Democratic Party decided not to allow any other Democrats to challenge him for the Democratic Party Nomination. All of the viable candidates are Democrats (and Zionists), regardless of the name of the parties they claim. This is the true conquest of America by a one party system, like Communism in the USSR, or China. How ironic that it is the Democratic Party that has destroyed democracy in America.

The disruption of civil society here continues to accelerate, and suddenly gangsters from Venezuela are occupying private homes, and the police are arresting the homeowners that try to evict them. It is obvious that the puppeteers that have corrupted American and state governments are intent on utterly deranging civil society, hell bent on civil war and balkanization, to better rule the world without having to control an American empire, but only it's shattered pieces. This even as Russia seeks unification with Ukraine at horrific cost.

I do not think war will long elude us here, where once was a Shining City on a Hill. Outrage rises to a fever pitch over the obviously deliberate destruction of American society by the incredible favoring of criminal gangs of immigrants. Macron in France reveals that Europe is unlikely to avoid their psychopathic leaders plunging them into war too, although I hear Germany's Scholz has threatened France militarily if it does send it's troops into the Ukraine and drags HATO into the war on the ground.

Spring is bittersweet as I anticipate a sudden influx of gang members my village is unprepared for, and stupidly has no clue is coming. We may be fortunate that they come in the spring or summer, when fleeing into the forests will be far more survivable than fall or winter. It is a delicate endeavor to drop ear worms to get people to consider how to secure themselves and their community from what is surely coming, without frankly triggering the worst of them to lash out against conspiracy theories because of their normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance. I at least can survive innawoods, as I have from my early youth - were it not for my advanced age and decrepitude.

We shall see what comes. At least our Sheriff's mother lives here, and I am confident he will protect her as he is able, and that will protect us.

I think that duplicity and lack of moral convictions are the main distinguishing features of modern politicians. There are special assistants who suggest what to lie in which situations and, remembering the past lie, harmoniously build a new one for them...

Statements by European politicians of the rank of Scholz and Macron only indicate an attempt to earn political points in the eyes of their electorate. If puppeteers need to keep their puppets in place, they should show some kind of periodic show for their people. NATO troops have been in Ukraine for a long time. It’s just not official yet, so as not to scare the population and not provoke direct open confrontation with Russia.

I wouldn't want you to have a war, but no serious changes can happen without bloodshed. Unfortunately!

The forest is a wonderful refuge! I hope you will not have to use his services due to lack of need. I haven't had to leave my home yet.
But the steppe is all around me! If something happens it will be difficult to hide

I admit your immigrant problem is presently more difficult than ours, nor would I trade governments. Yet. I think you have the right of it with the rest of your comment as well.

This is indeed all hard to believe when the direct environment and what one can see with ones own eyes does not match the news (may that be the opposite sources). For my own city I can tell that since we moved to the outer skirt - apart from the center and more wealthy areas - I'd say the foreign population in this part of town is about 80 percent. I sometimes feel like a foreigner myself. Though I need to tell that there can not be seen open crime and no gangs stealing or threatening. I don't know, maybe I am too isolated.

I do not share the fear of foreign peoples, we are since the last war a country of immigrants. My stance on it is that if a culture gives up on its own values and traditions it will leave not much trace of itself in the long run. We are in this run, I suppose.

Since I grew up with a certain amount of tradition, I have the direct comparison between city life and village life. The citizens have not much culture on their own. They don't care and I must admit that I did not care myself. Material prosperity and wealth makes those meaningful rituals and traditions obsolete. All went and still goes to commerce. It is sad, though. Only now, as I became an old person, I see things more clearly.

I now understand my mother much better, since they had the much greater culture shock as Germans who emigrated into Ukraine a long time ago, but were forced to flee and then were imprisoned and then went back to their former home land in the early 70s. Just to find it in such change that it was unbelievable for them. So they stuck to their own (Russian Germans) and Christianity.

Just to add some thoughts in here.

What tragedy, racketeers profiting from the stream of dead. I have heard that the Crocus terrorists were Tajiks, that fled towards the Ukraine in a Renault that was stopped in the Bryansk region, where two have been detained.

I am glad you are able to report these events, but I am sad you have to report them.

Edit: oddly, I have spent a sleepless night, while you have slept through the war soundly.

Even in the war sometimes I have to sleep)
Over the course of two years, I became a little more convinced of my safety regarding the purpose of

Over the course of two years, I became a little more convinced of my safety regarding the targets of missile attacks.

The sounds of explosions are commonplace and don't bother me as much as they used to. I slept through at least 8 missile hits on my city sweet as a baby.

As one who lived in Kharkiv and witnessed his students murdered by Russian artillery, as one whose fiancee grew up in Donbas and witnessed the Russian bombardment daily for eight years while subhuman pieces of shit like you tried to pretend it was Ukrainian, it's hard for me to listen to your sad, sick, pathetic attempts at an emmy here without laughing. You've never set foot in Ukraine and probably couldn't find it on a map if called upon to do so. You're an American, living somewhere in a trailer park in the Midwest, and your sad attempts to portray Russian citizens in Vladivostok waving the Yellow-Black-and-Gold banner of the Russian imperial movement as ("GuUuUh... UkRoNaZiS!!!") is all it takes to make that plain.

You don't fucking exist. You're a sock-puppet account created by an American Russopublican in order to pretend that your miserable little russophilic claims had some semblance of validity.
As one who has rock-solid empirical proof of having lived in Ukraine, as a proud veteran of the Kharkiv territorial militia who is proud to have fought against the satanic ruZZistani murderers you cheer for, I say again: you don't fucking exist and your drooling, pathetic profile is a sad attempt to garner legitimacy so your FSB handler will increase your salary.

If you are to be believed, you gave out personal information to an unknown person.))) Stop it, you're not acting rationally.
And here's another lie I'm talking about - your entire comment.
Although it's more likely not a lie, but your sick fantasy caused by psychological trauma or concussion.
When America&HATO conducted its numerous SМOs, civilians died too, civilian infrastructure suffered, and nothing, life goes on. Boomerangs usually come suddenly, Robert!