Interesting topics Tucker brings up! A little earlier I already wrote about such trends in Ukraine, now a journalist is talking about it as well
"When the U.S. funds a war abroad, it usually results in a disproportionate number of deaths among Christians," Tucker Carlson notes in a new installment of his program.
For example, during the years of occupation of Iraq, the local ancient Christian community "was completely devastated." Then the U.S. funded Islamists killing Christians in Syria.
"If anyone spoke out about this, they were somehow declared a liar and an obscurantist. Standing up for Christians was not allowed in the American media. We saw it ourselves," emphasizes the former Fox News host.
"It's the same in Ukraine. The U.S. authorities handed over well over $100 billion dollars to the Ukrainian government, and what happened? What did that government do? It banned an entire Christian denomination. Zelensky's government is busy imprisoning Orthodox priests and nuns and sending the army to raid churches," says the journalist.
Ancient Christian communities in the Gaza Strip are suffering at the hands of the Israeli government's brutal actions, but American Christians are still not standing up for their brothers in faith, Tucker Carslon is outraged.
"You may be asking yourself: "Wait a minute, if Christian leaders won't stand up for Christian lives, why are these leaders even needed?" That's a good question."
"You may be asking yourself: "Wait a minute, if Christian leaders don't want to stand up for Christian lives, why are these leaders even needed?" That's a good question."
Meanwhile, Washington politicians who call themselves Christians are demanding more blood and destruction. For example, former evangelical pastor and Michigan congressman Tim Walberg has suggested dealing with Gaza "like Hiroshima and Nagasaki" and focusing on "defeating Putin quickly" in the Ukraine conflict instead of spending on humanitarian aid.
I have already raised the topic of the persecution of the church in Ukraine, but it remained unattended by a wide audience
Ukrainian Easter Celebration
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I can if I want, but sometimes I'm lazy)
It’s kinda funny how policy drivers in the US literally don’t have a moral ground to stand on.
...and that they think they have the right to dictate their "democracy" by preventing developing countries from going their own way.
"own way" Do you mean your path of unleashing aggressive campaigns to seize neighboring countries? And your attempts to exterminate small nations through genocide and aggressive brainwashing? The time when you got away with it is over...
We, Ukrainians, have never exterminated anyone))
If you are talking about our neighbors - the Russians, then you shouldn’t even start!
You can continue to ignore the numerous monuments and memorial plaques to Bandera. You can walk along the street named after Shukhevych and continue to think that NO NAZI IN Ukraine, and I'm a russ propagandist))) it probably makes it easier for you to live in this world
Whether you're pretending to be Ukrainian or actually are one, we certainly have plenty of such outliers. Mostly, they are elderly individuals with completely brainwashed minds, too scared to admit to themselves the evil they've 'supported' their entire lives. BUT THIS DOESN'T CHANGE THE ESSENCE OF THE MATTER!
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.You know, we've already seen that this @vp-freelance creature is a troll, but I'm disappointed to see now that it's not even that creative as trolls usually go.
A few weeks back it tried to tell me I didn't know what was happening in Ukraine, and I responded to it by pointing out that I lived in Ukraine when the ruZZistani genocide began. It then followed this up with articles that tried to assert it lived in Donbas (a notion buggered by its proven inability to even identify a single major landmark in the region when my fiancee, a born and raised Donetsk resident whose home was destroyed by the ruZZistani horde, called him out on it).
Then last night I posted [this article]( commenting on ruZZistan's murder of priests and bombing of churches. And lo and behold, vp-freeloader follows up not even fifteen hours later by attempting (albeit rather unconvincingly and without a single credible source) to make the same case in reverse. I realize you're out of ideas and can't conjure up material other than copying those of us who shine light on your crimes and trying to turn them around, but try to put some wait-time in between the original and your lame attempts at rhetorical reverse-engineering, so it's less obvious.
Gotta do better, kid. Gotta do better.
I live in Ukraine, and you ran away from here as soon as you saw the Russians)))
I have repeatedly caught you in lies and Nazi appeals, and you ignore it every time. as if nothing had happened.
I realized that you live in your own fictional world, in which you transfer all the crimes of Bandera’s followers onto the Russians)))
You are funny and low, all the books you have read have not added a drop of prudence to you! Shame!
In your posts, there is a clear permeation of Russian-Nazi propaganda, so I don't see the point in engaging in dialogue. However, for the average community member, I want to clarify that we are mostly Orthodox (we have religious freedom and represent many confessions). But we have finally decided to ban and denounce the so called 'Moscow Patriarchate,' which not only originated at Stalin's behest and was staffed by KGB agents but also was involved in subversive activities on Ukrainian territory in recent years (as evidenced by searches during the investigation), supplying weapons and agitation, actively supporting the annexation of our territories, among many other facts...
Regarding religion, it's interesting which 'God' citizens of the Russian Federation worship in this war-dedicated temple...
If you provide some evidence of the stated facts, then it will not be considered Nazi propaganda and lies)))
You are confusing searches, as an element of pressure and persecution of the church, with court decisions based on facts. But there are no facts, as well as court decisions, only articles in Bandera’s propaganda press.
I will do the same thing as you once did: Bandera’s people have nothing to do on my blog. Go talk to people like you!
You spread your propaganda on a public platform, so I don't need your permission to refute your baseless accusations. You can repeat Bandera's surname a hundred times, but that won't make your nonsense true. In turn, I can advise you to move your stream of lies to your 'Odnoklasniki' and 'Kontakt' instead of cluttering a platform created by civilized people.
When it comes to evidence, it can be found in documents, testimonies of individuals involved in the events, historical research, and other sources. If I write a post on this topic, I will definitely accompany it with them, which I also you have to be do. But your level is obviously limited to baseless propaganda claims.
You didn’t refute anything, you brought your propaganda here)))
You don’t back up your words with anything, because these are empty accusations and slander.
My posts are full of links to sources))
You mean this one link from obviously biased freak 'tuckercarlson' lol that's like proof, proof 😄
All Orthodox hierarchs in the Soviet Union were forced to cooperate with the Committee for State Security (KGB). Patriarch Filaret shared this information on Radio Liberty.
According to him, otherwise, clergy could not fully perform their duties because their decisions lacked legal force.
"There was no bishop who did not have contacts with them. If he did not have contacts, then he was not a bishop. Therefore, if someone from the hierarchs says that he did not have contacts (with the KGB), then it means he is lying. I know this for sure," said the patriarch.
On December 20, on the website of the Latvian National Archives, in the agent registry of the KGB of the Latvian SSR, they found an agent card under the name of Oleksandr Ivanovych Kudryashov, born in 1939. The information on the card completely matches the biographical data of the head of the Latvian Orthodox Church, which is part of the Moscow Patriarchate - Metropolitan of Riga and all Latvia Oleksandr (in the world Kudryashov).
As indicated in the card, Kudryashov was recruited as an agent of the KGB under the pseudonym "Reader" in January 1982. It is noted that he was recruited by an employee of the 5th department of the KGB of the Latvian SSR, who was involved in combating ideological subversion. The card specifies his occupation as "priest of the Orthodox Church." The current Metropolitan Oleksandr was ordained as a deacon in 1982.
It is weird how so many Christians seem so unChristian.
It's like they use it when it suits them.
But, the "mind control" is strong and many get snared when they are too young to really critically think about it, so... Yeah... Anyways... It's a pretty grim world in some ways, but also very beautiful in other ways.