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RE: Supporter video | news roundup | May 4th 2024

in Deep Dives6 months ago

I made a non-polluting toilet once. It was a steel bucket and a propane torch. It was the most horrific abuse of resources I have ever conceived of, that took about 12 hours to turn a turd into ash, all the while creating an absolutely intolerable stink. I am sure it could have been orders of magnitude more efficient, but the glimpse of it in operation dissuaded me from seeking to improve it at all. A shovel was the way, not the propane heater.

All of us are in some ways controlled, my friend. I am not free of malign influence, despite my utmost effort to be free of malevolence. I have been raised in a society that is infused with malignance, and all I can do is to pare it away as I become able, which is a far slower operation than those to derange me are. Candace Owens can be utterly sincere and fully intent on forthright speech without prejudice, but she has also been born and raised in an environment with incessant and enormous disinformation influence. She can only do her best to dispel the disinformation she has been afflicted with, and none of us can do more than that.

"Nothing can be pure."


It would be devastating to Zionists were independent film makers to produce 'The Nakba' and publish it. I would be happy to see that factual information presented to the West, and particularly Americans, because I'd love to see my good neighbors better informed as to who actually runs the world, and how. There have recently been some very combative disputes between some of them, which I have been pressed to moderate. I have counseled all parties to moderate their speech, noting they do not have to agree to be agreeable. IOW, they can treat each other with respect, showing they respect themselves and do not have execrable manners, while discussing their differences. It worked for a couple days, and then one side sought the assistance of some local tough to force the other party to concede. It is a silly thing to resort to violent oppression over a dripping pipe, but people get fixated and refuse to be reasonable.

Going cashless is not theoretical, nor is it good for banks. Upon reflection, banks have no purpose absent fiat. The push to go to digital payments will eventually eliminate banks, so there is clearly some kind of beneficial interest banks and bankers have been availed to eliminate cash.

You have understood why youtool keeps your channel going: they want to track your subscribers. This is why I have never had a youtool account, and don't use Goolag in any way at all. It's not because I don't care about your success, but because there's no benefit to you in turning you into a data generation mechanism for your enemies. Whatever paltry funds you might receive would be more than outweighed by the harms done to you. This is merely my opinion, and uninformed regarding income from Goolag/Youtool potential to you.



About - all of us are controlled - yeah, unfortunately, that is the case, most of the time we are just unaware of it - I mean, even just subconsciously the reins are on really - everywhere we look there is propaganda / subliminal / - - you are right, none of us can do more than dispel the disinformation that has infected us.

I agree about the Nakba, that would be an interesting film. Maybe in the future of AI animation and film making someone out there might have a go lol.

About going cashless eliminating banks - I really think they are past having an interest in money, and are interested for some time in something else - for decades they have been able to just make as much money they want - that moved, of course, to be able to do that, they had to always control the world - the centers of power - which they have done. I think going cashless might hurt them, as you say, but the benefit in the long run is now they will have complete control and with that, they will have complete power. I am not sure what drives them now, but it seems to be something else - maybe the elimination of most of humanity something like that - they sure have that plan underway.

About Google - yes, I think they keep channels like mine around for data points - like a spider web they can see what my subs watch, playlists etc., and what they say - and keep a formulated picture of that said information environment. About YouTube and income - I got all income from YouTube cut off about five years ago, at a guess.
