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RE: Supporter Video | News roundup

in Deep Dives9 months ago

That image of the guy asking for source...


He provided probative source. He's kinda one of my heroes for that.

The Epstein bedsheet was made of paper, BTW.

It is interesting that Epstein was killed while under Trump's protection. Trump, his former associate, after Trump's mentor Roy Cohn died of AIDS in 1986 after confessing to being a child pimp and blackmailer of politicians. While Trump was in office his forces acquired the Weiner laptop, NXIVM's files, and, of course, his old buddy Epstein's files. That's a lot of links to extortion. Of course, none of those files would be useful for blackmail if they were ever made public. None of them have.

Lincoln got removed from ballots, and won. I note that Trump's popularity rises every time bogus charges are filed, or he's removed from a ballot. I note the campaign in which he was successful involved 4chan, and memes, that were claimed to be produced by Black Cube, one of the premier private psyops providers in the world, at that time. Getting people that are vile and hated, like the enemedia, to hate you is a great - and obvious - way to become popular.

It's too dangerous to release a lethal or sterilizing virus. Sars2 has mutated ~a dozen times since Jan. 2020. The jabs are, however, easily controlled. That's why Sars2 wasn't a very lethal virus at all, because even rich people get sick. The jabs can just be avoided by the rich.

80% of Republicans are right about election fraud.

I hope your holidays were amazing.



About the bed sheets, I had forgot about that - or never read it - I think this job has destroyed my memory to be frank. Bu yeah, paper bed-sheets, another classic right there - you raise a good point about the virus, hopefully that is the case. Interesting news came out today about Trump and Epstein - will be interesting to see where that goes - was just reading about it while I uploaded todays video - This year is going to be wild!

I think that despite our reasonable fear, 2024 will be when most of us begin to observe the inability of overlords to maintain their wealth and power - and that is the reason we see so many overlords preparing bunkers. Decentralization simply obviates centralized control. Overlords are that control mechanism that used to be necessary to economic growth, coordinating collective labor and pooling capital for massive industrial production. Neither are necessary anymore. Both are actual impediments to production. We see that massive windfarms are economically non-competitive, because wind generators are useful where the small draws are, to pump water on farms, or generate power at remote sites where it's not economically superable to run lines from the grid to the site. The extraordinary engineering necessary to massive megawatt windmills is extraordinarily difficult and expensive, which renders them economically insuperable. I learned how to make a windmill back in the 1970s using a Pinto rear end, the generator of it's engine, and some planks, no engineering necessary.

This is the reality of decentralized production. Freedom is the elimination of overlords, and overlords are extraneous and detrimental to economic production with decentralized tooling. It is actually unimaginable to see overlords maintaining their wealth and power in a decentralized world. Evolution naturally eliminates extraneous and counterproductive elements from ecosystems, and whether we're talking about nutrient flows in a swamp or politics and money, eliminating unnecessary expenses is what evolution does. I think this is the year when it become unavoidably obvious that sybarites jet-setting around are the carbon that needs to be reduced, and simply not feeding them is beneficial and profitable to their hosts. To maintain their wealth and power they are dependent on projecting force, using armies to persuade laborers to pay them a portion of their production.

Drones today are proving the most powerful weapons systems on battlefields, from the Ukraine to the Red Sea, and rather than $B tanks and fleets of warplanes, or carriers and their supporting fleets, a swarm of drones that cost a few grand are able to disable and destroy those wunderwaffen and eliminate their utility on the battlefield. Decentralization utterly outcompetes centralization on the battlefield, in industry, and at every level and scale economically. The present wars and conflicts are making this unavoidably obvious. The Houthis control the Red Sea and Saudi oil production, because they can eliminate refinery production with cheap drones, and shipping through the Red Sea with the same cheap drones. $T carriers and refineries are unable to be defended from swarms of drones, and $B cruise missiles are simple incapable of destroying decentralized production of cheap drones across the landscape. Those weapons are good for destroying $B factories for cruise missiles, not distributed workshops spitting out cheap drones.

At every scale, in every industry, decentralization outcompetes centralization. Overlords are obsolete, and now is the moment when this becomes absolutely obvious to everyone in the world.

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"His name was Robert Paulson."

The Epstein bedsheets were made of paper 🤬

I still have not seen that show - I have been looking for something to watch, i might try it!

The Books were great... Tom Cruis3 did not fit the character.
Epstein hung himself with paper bedsheets...
I heard.