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RE: Growing evidence Oregon fires started by organised arson

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

Most fires in Oregon are started by lightning, as is the case with most of those now burning

Not one lightning strike has occurred in Oregon this week that is connected to a fire.

OTOH, dozens of arson arrests have been made, and hundreds of reports of civilians witnessing arson have been made.

You're lying or absolutely ignorant of exigent circumstances outside of the liberal enclave you live in, simply lapping up the propaganda fed you by the enemedia instead of doing one damn bit of research into the facts yourself.

Here's a partial list of arson arrests or reports in the last week:


It goes on, but I couldn't fit it all in one screen shot.

Edit: just to be brutally honest, some of the fires that took off this last week from the East winds had long been smoldering, and some of them may have been started by lightning.

Since Sept. 7th, when the riots in PDX were diminished, massive ongoing arson has been stoking those old fires, connecting them, and starting new ones, when the wind picked up.

Not only arson has terribly multiplied these fires, but specifically molotovs and fireworks have been used, which isn't typical of wildfire arson - but is exactly typical of arsons that have been being caused by rioters. Good investigation will be able to reveal if the same formulations and batches of fireworks and molotovs link both.

How much you want to bet they're the same batches?