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RE: Revising UK COVID-19 Death Counts as Oxford Researchers Point to Huge Flaw in Counting Process

in Deep Dives5 years ago

I'm quite in agreement with you regarding the import of Kennedy's knowledge and statements. I cannot vouchsafe Kennedy himself, and remain resistant to becoming invested in personages. Too many say all kinds of reasonable things in order to gain power, but when invested with power do things quite opposite to their campaign rhetoric. It's actually impossible to find examples of successful candidates that did not do exactly that.

I'm not intending to malign Kennedy, and my suspicion of persons does not somehow make suspicious statements of fact I can verify as true they make. Facts are facts, and people are people, and I do not conflate the two. Lots of people do. I keep them separate.

I strongly support many statements Reagan made, but vilify Reagan who utterly contradicted his rhetoric with his wielding of power. I'm not accusing Kennedy of doing that, because he hasn't attained to office where he could.

The 100% probability of candidates doing so in history leaves me without confidence he wouldn't.

I absolutely oppose the concept of the 'Big Man' that democratic elections promulgate.

Please accept my apologies if I have stated this in a way that offends you. As I said, I have neither desire nor intent to malign Kennedy, and have sought to simply provide the example of history to reveal why I cannot have confidence that the words of a public figure would ever underlie their actual policy.


I agree. I never watched anything by him before, but that video cited so much science it nullifies the typical insults of antivaxxer/antiscience. Here is a website he runs I still haven't checked out yet.

No apologies needed. I view someone as a leader who is open to discuss the issue, open to being wrong as they seek to inform those they discuss with. For that matter, for these same reasons I view you as a leader. Doesn't mean one blindly follows, or that leaders are infallible. In fact, when you first began talking about Covid I quickly let you know I disagreed with you. And true to form, once you realized your source (Lancet) had been compromised you stated your error, owning it. Again, the actions of someone worthy of paying attention to, a true leader.

Here is an article on the Lancet using faulty study data (looks made up to me) to say hydroxychloroquine wasn't good for Covid.

I note that many vaxxers still cite this faulty data to attack anyone questioning vaccinations as well as Trump for mentioning it.

LOL I try pretty hard to not lead anyone astray. First me.

Looking for a group meeting at a church once I asked the guy directing traffic into the property where I should park. He pointed a couple driveways down and said to turn in there. At that moment a car was doing exactly that, so I said 'Follow that guy?'

His answer sticks with me to this day. He said 'Don't follow him. He'll lead you astray.'

Thanks for your kind words, but thanks much more for your criticism when I need it. That's what keeps me from going astray.