This will be a gold mine for criminals.
If any of ya'll have suffered some kind of identity theft, you know how disruptive it is if someone gets your login information. You have to change all your passwords, there's hassles with financial institutions, cops, and employers.
Now imagine if someone gets your biometric information. You can't change your retinae, your fingerprints, or your DNA. Even if that hacker gets caught, your biometric information was probably sold on, and you will never, ever be able to be hackproof again.
Biometric ID is the stupidest thing imaginable. Never, ever use a face scan, fingerprint, or DNA based ID. Once that data is hacked, your body is permanently compromised.
I can't wait for the first cases of folks spoofing this surveillance data. Wrecking the Rockefellers should be an international pastime IMHO. I kinda almost wanna get one of these things just so I can use it to send bizarre and alarming data to mess with the creepy stalkers insisting on gathering this information on all of us.
Here's a thought. Let's catch rich people, politicians, and cops, forcibly attach radio collars to them, release them, and then post the data to a livestream. It'll be for their own safety of course, like it is for jaguars in the Pantanal, or stag in Scotland. They'll be safe from taking drugs that are so easy to buy when you have lots of money, from attending SRA rituals, or putting out fake stories to artificially inflate public interest in them for career purposes. Everyone benefits!
For a while there's been abuse of surveillance going on. Cameras across cities making public spaces surveillance zones. I'm setting up some cameras on my home, as I was gifted some for Freedom Day (June 19) by a neighbor who has upgraded. Several other of my neighbors have surveillance systems as well. Privately owned cameras and surveillance are beginning, if they don't already, to outnumber state owned cameras, and facial recognition software is already in the wild as FOSS. We just need to share data with each other, and we'll actually be safer against burglars and robbers, rapists and murderers.
We don't have to share it with the state. Just with each other, and state agents and actors are public persons, whose identities are public information.
They should be radio collared for our protection. I mean, who can commit acts of corruption? Only state agents. In order to get paid to work for us, they should have to agree to be surveilled by us to prevent corruption. It's a no brainer, and there doesn't need to be any investment in hardware, because we're already getting DVRs and cameras for home security. The Rockefellers already made the rings, so we can just use them.
We just need to think about these technologies differently. We've been fearing how they can be used against us. But we are the people and outnumber them significantly. Criminals need to fear how we can use these technologies to our benefit, by surveilling state actors and public figures to prevent fraud and corruption. This isn't using it against those figures, because none of them have anything to hide, right? It's keeping them safe, just as it keeps us safe.
Not even joking.
I'm down for collaring elites, media personalities, etc. But can we also have a shock option added, in case they misbehave? Also for their own safety and security, of course.
Anything to protect the children. I'm sure when we tell them it's for the safety of children, they'll be eager to do whatever shows they are all for the protection of the children.
Although the data can be hacked, they would have to hack the security device to use it as well, instead of scanning a human directly. But it can happen...
Cmon, the elites are the ones who don't get these things first, we gotta test it out first.
Camera surveillance and face rec was on the rise, and now Amazon and others pulled face rec from police partnerships lol... they don't want th backlash of the protest/riot anger lol
We still need it, and it's FOSS, although better implementations preferable to extant code. I got my cameras installed today, and could put it to work right now.