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RE: Welcome to Deep Dives | Refining The Search With Community Input

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

Free people face a conundrum in understanding relevant information in our world. Extant power structures have availed, and continue to accelerate, financial concentration of wealth to control economy(s), and thereby control society(s).

Civilian journalists that seek factual information aren't paid by legacy institutions to do so (and actually counter propaganda from those sources), and have to do other work. I bend nails. This means that absent crowdfunding folks seeking facts are dilettantes, part timers, and non-specialists, as well as limited in the time they can spend on research. We do what we can.

The burgeoning censorship effected by extant technocratic media institutions increasingly threatens our ability to research and communicate what we learn. Articles and information are purged, and we ourselves are prevented from publishing. I would like to see mechanisms that improve our ability to do the necessary research, and to disseminate the results. Undertaking this effort on Steem is a good start. An archival tool for sources we discover that are likely to disappear would be extremely important. Two vids central to posts I made in recent weeks have been removed from Youtube, removing the evidence I cited from my posts. A way to download and archive pages, digital documents, and audio/video content would be of enormous significance.

Perhaps creating best practices and how to's regarding use of the sources you mention, like Wikileaks, Cryptome, etc., would decrease the learning curve and error rate of non-professionals digging into those sources. I know I have been shy about using certain sources because of that learning curve, and the fear of making mistakes because of my nescience.

While all the authors you mention are indeed valuable to me, the authors I'd most like to see doing this research and publishing their findings are ordinary folks that have discovered truths that have disturbed them. While seasoned diggers may be well aware of such matters, it behooves us to celebrate the breaking free of ordinary folks from the mental control imposed by the enemedia. While we may not learn much new information from them (though we certainly might), by welcoming them we can substantively ease their learning and increase the network effect and impact on society of facts contrary to propaganda.

Authors that may not be digging into archival resources for their content, but hitting the streets instead, may be of inestimable value in establishing relevance to society of our work, but may be outside the purview of the Deep Dives Community. Copwatchers particularly have produced stories that demonstrate the utility of work digging into old archives where political causes of present malfeasance are revealed.

Since I largely eschew the financial system, due to it's co-option by nefarious institutions to control society, I may not be suited to discuss Delve tokens, or curation trails and the like. I note that social media is a venue for society, and society is comprised of people, not bots. I have always voted personally and manually to preclude the automation of humanity that seems to be coming to the degree I can. This may not be the most effective way forward for the Deep Dives Community, but it is based on principles I find factual and compelling. A token sidesteps extant financial control mechanisms, and may be of great utility in furthering our work.

I know I am extremely grateful you have created the Deep Dives community, because free speech depends on the facts conveyed for it's relevance. Increasingly, suppressed truth presents existential threats to society, our community, and each of us individually. It might seem trite, but in fact our lives may depend on this effort, and for undertaking it you deserve my undying gratitude.


Edit: I want to add a recommendation that the community recognizes new contributors, maybe even folks that have only just become aware of and published disturbing facts that counter establishment narratives. Also, while specific targets of research may be advisable from time to time, simply recognizing the best published during a given period may better suit civilian researchers' interests and abilities.

 5 years ago (edited) 

Really appreciate this lengthy and thoughtful response!
You made numerous excellent points, but there are a few that really stand out.

First, obviously we agree that Deep Dives is a tool to combat the never ending streams of propaganda we're targeted by and it's surely one of the reasons for creating the project in the first place.

Second, love that you pointed out that though the seasoned diggers may be well versed in the lies of authority, gov., financial institutions, intel agencies, media etc., it is critical that the average person becomes aware of false narratives, even just a glimpse of the truth. There is too much at stake to let these lies go unchecked and unchallenged.


publishing their findings are ordinary folks that have discovered truths that have disturbed them.

This is another great point and one of the reasons we would like to broaden Deep Dives to include more voices.


Perhaps creating best practices and how to's regarding use of the sources you mention, like Wikileaks, Cryptome, etc., would decrease the learning curve and error rate of non-professionals digging into those sources.

Another great suggestion...and one we will certainly consider. Much of this can come from the members of the community themselves as to how to conduct effective research and sourcing. In previous posts we have included tips here and there but complete posts on the topic might be highly beneficial.

Certainly much more to unpack here and to mull over.
Thank you my friend, outstanding input, if I do say so...

Would it be an idea to create a lie-br-diction-ary that exposes one lie at a time. as an additional part ?

Interesting idea... could be a very valuable ongoing project!
"Lie-brary" - lol
Compiling a list of DOUBLE-SPEAK from political/economic/cultural/military/etc. would be something special.
Thanks, great to hear from you @bifilarcoil !

It's good to be able to post again.
Nasty bugs...
Double-speak with Trumpian tripple-twist and spinning-tables that are being turned in 3D

Edward B. revisited in Sigmund's wet dream.

.....Blame the parents, keep eating those pills and everythiiiiiiingwillbeeeeeaaaalriiiite lalala
Oooooone looooove....

I'm happy that what I put in stands out.
