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RE: "Ethically Impossible": Tuskegee Human Experiments Exported to Guatemala (1946-1948) [Part I] | DD20 - The Wikileaks Archive

in Deep Dives4 years ago

High praises! Thank you.
One of the things I like most about digging in the Wikileaks archive is that it continues to surprise me. I had no idea that there was a Tuskegee equivalent outside the US, it's shocking to learn about.

With these kinds of episodes in our very recent history, is it surprising at all that so many people can not and do not trust their government when such trust would be invaluable, like in the case of a global pandemic for example?

I'm glad you picked up on this. Even when reading this report on what happened 70 years ago we find that the highest levels of the medical field backed such experiments with, of course, the involvement of the military, we can't help but compare it to what's going on presently. It shows that our leaders are more than capable of disregarding human rights and scientific principles to pursue their objectives, often invoking phrases like 'the greater good'.

It's so infuriating that you had to conclude this very well written and documented article with the acknowledgement that once again none of the perpetrators were held accountable...

Agreed, it is infuriating to hear about this. There is a second part to this that I have put together that goes into some legal cases that have been launched in regards to the Guatemalan victims. So, I hope to get that out there soon.

Thanks for your comments!