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RE: The Psychology Of The Takedown: The Dialectics Of Deception, BLM, & The Communitarian Synthesis Of The Reality War

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Sorry it took me so long to get back here but real life has a lot of demands right now. I'm sure there are great swathes of people who are in the same predicament, trying to keep our heads on straight in the middle of this crisis (man made or otherwise).

First, this is a brilliant article and beautifully written piece that encompasses so many of the challenges that we're currently facing. You do a phenomenal job pulling this together into a coherent whole. So, congratulations on this because it's no small feat.

divide and conquer methods being employed to have the poor fight the poor. I also predicted (in a post) after the Floyd shooting that they would use the killing of George Floyd to further divide people along ideological and tribal lines. Whether it's Antifa, white supremacist militias, BLM, Blue lives matter, feminists, trans, conservatives, alt-right, boogaloos, Trumpers, far-left, immigrant workers, etc. - this groups are being used to further fracture any common ground they may have and redirect their anger and frustration towards one another.Something I'd like to touch on and which was also mentioned by @logiczombie in his thread is that fact the

What these diverse groups have in common is that they feel impotent, ridiculed, frustrated and in many cases hopeless. Yet, instead of directing their energy and power towards the root causes of their current reality, they seek out low hanging fruit as it's much easier to blame "the other" for their misfortune. They believe their future, or the American dream that has been dangled in their faces for decades but just out of reach as they take on more and more debt while their personal and collective power has been eroding (under corporate, special interest), has been stolen from them. In the desperate search for a scapegoat they swallow a dangerous elixir of propaganda and narrative control that points them towards people that are also suffering under the same conditions as those responsible. The media, dominated and controlled by powerful corporate interests, is happy to add fuel to the fire - identifying easily recognizable 'others' to focus their rage upon.

Culture wars, issues of personal identity are elevated and amplified - guns, abortion, immigration, sexual orientation, BLM, nationalism, and more recently mask/non-mask wearers are largely visible groups in which to join/oppose. Their issues take center stage in the public discourse thanks to the media. Yet, non of them deal with the roots of the rage that is boiling over around the world. The system itself is corrupted to the core.

Permanent War / military industrial complex, empire, privatization, corporate capture of all the levers of government, debt slavery, prison industrial complex and the moral bankruptcy of our 'leaders' are never discussed with few exceptions. War is discussed only when popular support is required by the state and the personal lives of the corrupted elite are used as distraction whenever useful.

If people are kept divided along cultural lines, then they cannot and will not rise up and overthrow their masters. In order for a real revolution of the mind and political economic and social revolution - people have to be united behind common objectives. Exploiting differences among the masses insures a disjointed and weak opposition to tptb.

As you eloquently describe in this piece, these are methods of mind control used to manipulate the masses into compliance - manufacture consent. OBEY.

Just a few thoughts... but there are many more that came up while reading yours.



This is me (in one minute),

Lol, yes! I can relate to this man!
Where is this clip from, btw?

A really really really bad television show.

Hey no worries @v4vapid .. similar story at this end, time is at a premium and I'm also focusing on getting everything in order for what could be a long winter of discontent.

Glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for the kind words.

I'm in full agreement with everything you've said, I also feel that following some form of economic collapse this rage is going to be directed upwards towards the next rungs of the economic ladder, eventually leading us towards a feudal society. This is why I feel there is an inherent naivety within many of these movements, for they fail to acknowledge that the true enemies of humanity are the ones that are funding them and directing their anger. True evil is very clever.. it does not stand in front as your enemy (those are the strawmen) but aids you as your friend, tells you what you want to hear, and enables what you think you want.

Thousands of years of evolution, blood, sweat, tears, and war, all leading us towards this point in history .. do people really think that these parasites would be foolish enough to stand front and center? Indeed, my contention is that this corrupt decaying carcass of a system will indeed (rightly) fall .. the deep state will collapse, horrific abuses will be brought to light, and to a degree, that majority of people will get their pound of flesh .. my fear being that there will be many elements of the new system that will be welcomed as the will of a manipulated people. Indeed, I tend to feel that it is the collapse of the old system that will become increasingly violent, and fascistic, and following some form of social, economic collapse and breakdown in the food supply chain .. many will grasp the intended one world order. Chaos as a prelude to order.

I want to add that many of my friends are on the left-wing, I know people in Antifa, BLM etc etc and so I know very well that many of these people feel powerless and are marching not out of hatred but for the perception of a brighter, equal, and balanced future .. . Equally, if I was associated with movements that were becoming increasingly violent you can bet (as Chaziel highlighted in the video he shared) I would spend some time looking into who I was giving my time and energy to .. hence my sympathy only goes so far. To that end, I wanted to write this post as an act of tough love and there is nothing herein that I wouldn't say directly to their faces .. my hope is that if anyone stumbles across it, then it may give them pause for thought.

I'm certainly aware that that majority of people simply want a better future .. we just have different perceptions of what that is, the frustrating aspect being that we tend to spend more time focusing on what divides us, as opposed to what unites us.