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RE: Minneapolis City Council is Disbanding the Police Department, Time for Self-Defense

in Deep Dives5 years ago

This is a very good point.
This can be seen on a smaller scale when a mafia/organized crime family is removed/eliminated from an area and there's a "power vacuum" and a violent turf war takes place between rival gangs in order to control the now vacated area.

It might be difficult for people to imagine but this sort of thing could certainly happen where police (authority with a license for violence) are displaced.


This can be seen on a smaller scale when a mafia/organized crime family is removed/eliminated from an area and there's a "power vacuum" and a violent turf war takes place between rival gangs in order to control the now vacated area.

Yes. Physical violence is the most primitive and primary form of power. We live in a physical universe.

It might be difficult for people to imagine but this sort of thing could certainly happen where police (authority with a license for violence) are displaced.

It is guaranteed to happen. What precise form it will take will be interesting to see but sooner or later other police departments in the state of Minnesota and the FBI will have to step in and sort out the mess.

A public professional police force authorized not only to maintain order but to solve crimes is simply the most cost effective way to keep the peace and solve crimes. No posse of armed civilians has the ability to do that. I doubt private security firms with the expertise to do criminal investigation can easily be found. Besides there is a serious risk of conflict of interest when the profit motive is introduced to police work.

Yeah, I can understand the motive to reduce massive budgets of some police departments that spend enormous sums on second hand military equipment - that actually makes a lot of sense.

What you're saying is also right on point. There's no incentive for armed civilians or private mercs to investigate crimes.

This idea is also echoed in my comments above about the fact that the profit driven private security forces will be concerned with making revenue. To me that would suggest locking more people up to justify their existence.

As much as there's a real need for change in the current system, I think that ousting the entire police force is just going to create more problems and isn't really a longterm solution. It scores political points and is emotionally cathartic but it's short sighted and could make things much worse.

Speak of the devil, Looks like Chicago has just hired 3 private security firms to help control protestors.


Yeah, I can understand the motive to reduce massive budgets of some police departments that spend enormous sums on second hand military equipment - that actually makes a lot of sense.

Militarizing the police is something I've heard has been taking place in the US. I don't really know the circumstances in which this has happened. But it seems strange as a police force exists to solve crimes first and foremost. All other roles it has can be performed by organizations like the National Guard in case of large-scale riots and private security firms when it comes to guarding private or public spaces. Investigating crime is a core task that cannot be outsourced to any other organization.