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RE: Double-Speak , the Patriot Act and Anthrax I | Deep Dives 17

in Deep Dives5 years ago

So, busted!
Yes, I am officially and thoroughly disqualified...again.
If I ever finish part 2, it will also be disqualified, don't you worry ;)

Yes, the 2 party fallacy is on full display with these types of laws as the
perpetual war on terror is never ending. The only way I see the war on terror ending is when there's a new common enemy, an invasion from space maybe, or an invisible enemy that will require an even greater perpetual war...

It's always interesting to observe when there's a crisis how these policies are rushed through in a panic. It's not always clear if it's the Hegelian - Problem, Reaction, Solution - but they sure are ready with the solution at all times!