This is a very interesting video from Australia, whereby 'First Nations' (Aboriginal) tribes are using knowledge of contract law and universal/natural law to serve notice to the corporate Australian government, informing of them that they are reclaiming their stolen land.
The nature of this kind of action is widely misunderstood and few commentors have done their due dilligence research into the topic to really understand what is taking place. Some of my older subscribers might recall me describing the way that I have previously used aspects of British Law that have been heavily obscured and denied by the modern legal system to rebuff attempts by the parliament and also a major bank to control me.
The strategy of forcing individual humans to face the results of their actions via contract law has a very strong history of success. Instead of people hiding behind corporate fiction identities, we force them to the level of living man/woman and inform them that they will personally be liable for their frivilous action against us, should it turn out that they cannot provide the required contracts to substantiate the claim they are making against us.
In this case, the tribes have informed the state premieres that they will be held accountable for genocide and other serious crimes under international law. Allegedly numerous of these 'leaders' quit shortly afterwards.
It's important to understand that this isn't really a battle of tribes vs. corporations, it is a battle of all real people vs corporations - this process returns the political, economic and financial systems to the direction of real people in a peaceful way, very powerful!
Mirrored from BitChute, here:
▶️ 3Speak
Members of that country forced vaxxed tribal leaders in Australia.
very fucking interesting!
thanks a lot for sharing ! :)
You are welcome!