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RE: Minneapolis City Council is Disbanding the Police Department, Time for Self-Defense

in Deep Dives5 years ago

How many lives will be lost if Minneapolis City Council disbands their police department? One of the city council members was asked what someone living in Minneapolis should do when someone broke into their home in the middle of the night with no police department to call. Her answer was, people just have to get used to it.


You arm yourself, and you defend yourself, not "get used to it". That response is a typical brainwashed government stooge who doesn't want people defending themselves, just wants to leave them helpless, if that's what they said.

When there are people with guns at a crime, they respond in the present. When you have to call someone to come save you because you can't do it yourself, a lot can happen and you have to use bare hands or submit to the criminal so as to avoid being hurt. Look into open carry states and how many crimes have been stopped by people getting involved rather than calling the police and waiting.