Having worked in the health system, both in the U.K and in Australia, I got to see first hand, how the pharmaceutical companies are the ones pulling the strings. It's not an easy thing to witness. We all want to believe that the health and well being of the nation, is what matters the most.
But there is a huge amount of money to be made by keeping people sick and dependent. For sure, there are many health professionals working for the greater good, within the system, but unfortunately they will always get sidelined by those higher up.
The sad reality, is that it is all about making a profit and sickness, is where the profit will always lie.
When I became pregnant with my first child, I knew straight away that I wanted a home birth. I done a lot of research around pregnancy and the many interventions that happen during this magical time. I wanted to know everything I could about the effects they would have on my baby.
Ultra sounds, which are preformed routinely on mothers to be, heats up the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the womb, which is very uncomfortable for the baby, almost like they are being cooked. On top of that it creates a huge amount of sound in the womb, which is also very uncomfortable for the baby.
A summary of the safety of ultrasound in human studies, published in May 2002 in the prestigious US journal Epidemiology concluded
…there may be a relation between prenatal ultrasound exposure and adverse outcome. Some of the reported effects include growth restriction, delayed speech, dyslexia, and non-right-handedness associated with ultrasound exposure. Continued research is needed to evaluate the potential adverse effects of ultrasound exposure during pregnancy. These studies should measure the acoustic output, exposure time, number of exposures per subject, and the timing during the pregnancy when exposure(s) occurred.
As a parent, I see it as my duty to do my own research, to question everything and to not just blindly trust, what is being offered. Because I have my child's best interests at heart, it is certainly not the government, or the pharmaceutical companies, that are focusing on what is best for our kids.
It's up to us parents to educate ourselves, when it comes to our children's well being. Everything from the food they eat, to what they are being taught at school and what they are being exposed to on social media.
I made the decision not to vaccinate any of my children, after I became aware of what is actually in the vaccinations. I breastfed them for at least three years, which has done a wonderful job, in providing them with what they need to grow up healthy and happy.
To this date, none of my children have ever had any pharmaceuticals in their body. I have successfully treated them with medicinal herbs and homeopathy. Trusting, that their bodies are more that capable of healing themselves under the right conditions.
When the plandemic hit, I did what I always do, I read between the lines. I don't have a television and I don't read any mainstream newspapers. I took it upon myself to do my own research and followed my own instincts. I also observed what was happening around me and from that alone, I made the best choices for me and my girls.
I tell my girls to question everything, including me. That deep within, we all know the truth, because it resonates with us. That true science, is all about questioning. It is always evolving. I encouraged them to check who is indeed funding the so called fact checkers and low and behold, no surprises here, it is mostly pharmaceutical companies.
It always comes back to the money, and the push to sell their drugs. It's all business at the end of the day. And now as more and more evidence comes out about the effects of the covid vaccine and how it was never even tested for transmission, I am so glad I done my own research. because if they can so easily lie about all of this, you can be sure they are lying about a whole lot more.
Trust should always be earned, it should never be a given. Look into the background of Fauci for example and Bill Gates. Check out the World Economic Forum, and Pfizer everything is there to be seen, you just have to take a look. (Clink on the image source above)
We all have to make choices, when it comes to how we wish to raise our children. I really see parenting, as being one of the most important things, that I can do. So I make sure that I know everything I need to know, before I make a decision, that will effect them for the rest of their lives.
Excellent essay.
Indeed they are, and have been for centuries. What better way to control a population than for people to be afraid of each others hands and breath? We saw how easy it was to get us to do preposterous things, such as allow loved ones to die alone, send our children to prison-like schools, impede our breathing, and not gather with friends. What scares me the most is how easy it was to get the entire world to engage in self harm, believing they were reducing overall harm thereby. Global blind compliance.
I believe vaccines are black magic. A mother's instinct to protect her baby is over-ridden, and so disabled, by a needle prick during the first hour of that baby's life. Something is very wrong here.
Thank you for sticking your neck out and not being silent.
I agree re black magic, our bodies are so beautifully designed, I wish more people had faith in them xxxxThank you @owasco, if I have to do something, so I will use my voice.
I have learned something huge from this article. Just recently, I was having a conversation with someone about cancer and I said that there is a cure for the disease but the money health companies are making from chemotherapy wouldn't let it out to the public.
It should be about saving life first but it has always been about pumping their bank account. This is an eye opener to parents and upcoming parents like myself to make the right decisions concerning their family health.
Exactly @george-dee, it is not about our health, only about making us sicker xxx
Thank you @fitbee for sharing. Yes it really pains me too xxx
One thing I always enjoy about you is the mind of your own you have amd always strong about it.
You are right not all need to be pharmaceutical because we really don't know the root.
And it's okay to have the mind kf your own
Reading this think I learnt new things already
Thank you @ijohnsen xxxx
I really liked the way you address this topic. So controversial and delicate.
I remember at my 20s when I started knowing about all these lies and sad reality about this industry.
Of course there are professionals that are working hard to work beyond this implementation of the truth. But personally, in a way I still think that conventional medicine can interact very fast, but on the other hand, many people in my family work as doctors and nurses and I’m surprised on how fast they would advice to take an Ibuprofen for any coming symptoms, just to give an example.
Then when you come on the topic of pregnancy, so many of my friends are having children these last two days and I get a lot of terrifying information about how is the social security treating mothers. The more we talk about it the more conscious around it there will be.
Thank you so much for this post 🙏🏽
Hey @llunasoul, thank you, yes we have to keep talking about these things so that we can spread more awareness xxx
I didn't know that part about the ultrasound! My gosh, sounds horrible for the baby indeed..
Regarding the money trail, I remember seeing some of these examples before and it's good that this is repeated like it is now because more are waking up and questioning things.
I personally was given prednisone a few weeks ago for my hand (probably carpal tunnel syndrome but yet to be diagnosed) the doc asked me if I had high blood pressure, I said no first, and then realized I did have it some times so I said I did in the past. He didn't check it (which was odd looking back) he prescribed me the prednisone 5mg (low dose) it's common I read afterwards. It took me 4 tablets of 5 mg to have my blood pressure rise to 166/99 I had such a headache that I thought I needed to go to A&E. I sat it out thankfully and within 2 days it was back to normal, needless to say I quit taking them immediately. It fits the narrative a bit doesn't it, that a doc doesn't check the blood pressure first but just prescribes low dose and see what happens. I will not take any other things without questioning them severely first.
Instead I started drinking golden lattes with turmeric 2x a day and guess what, there's improvement already!
Regarding vaccines, in Budapest I was sort of forced to give our daughter the missing shots, but I read here in Spain it's not mandatory but advised and they can ask but not reject a child. So I gave them copies of the booklet from the doc in Hungary and hoped for the best. She's now been in school two months almost and didn't have her last vaccine. I really hope it will remain advised and not mandatory :)
I loved reading this btw, you are a true example and there's always something to learn from you <3
Yeah as if one shoe fits all, that's a huge problem with the medical industry is that they just follow protocols, ignoring how different we all are. Thank you for sharing your story @thisismylife xxxx
Well written and well done! I reblogged in the hope that more will read this.
Thank you for sharing it @papilloncharity xxx
Only a pleasure!
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YeAh! Thank you for speaking this out, dear @trucklife-family ...
I have had a life-long healing path removing myself from the negative effects of ignorant parenting, and finding my way back to full health, Nature, Gaia Sophia and co-creative expansiveness. Vaccines were NEVER intended to improve our immunity; they were invented to separate us from spirit and from our actual Nature (which is vibrant, free and well): the modern programmes of jibjabbery for babies is the most consistent, brutal murder of our Nature and indoctrination of our family systems into a machinery that feeds off of us. The alternative is always there though, waiting for us to perk up and notice: it is Free, Available everywhere and requires no effort to receive it.
This is a profoundly beautiful time indeed, for us to be waking up to the fact that pharma medicine was NEVER EVER about health. Any 'medicine' that depends on altering our Inalienable Capacity to heal our self, by default cannot be healing us.
I adore seeing how we're all figuring this out - what we've always had an instinct about, and now is being proved by actual science! My increasingly solid rootedness in Gaia Sophia has led me to say NO to literally everything that pretends to be 'safe', 'natural', 'free', 'of benefit', 'obligatory', 'legal' and so on and so on. I Live my days chopping wood and carrying water, receiving Gift and giving of all that I harvest.
I hope very much to be blessed to bring children into this lifetime, and will most assuredly be supporting them outwith any of the systems and toxicity of that which is considered the 'norm'. It is very inspiring and exciting to me, to know how there are so many of us bringing children into the world who can actually Feel, See, Think and Move without all the disabling nonsense that mainstream would have been drilling into them from day one...
We are world-changers for sure.
Motherhood is simply the most powerful force of change available to humanity.
Yes it is great to see more and more people awake to their potential, their bodies potential and break away from the system and empower themselves. All the more reason to speak out and share our stories. Much love xxxx
Not all that surprisingly, I tell mine the same thing!
Excellent stuff here.
Didn't know about the ultrasound till now.
Not surprising at all Sam xxxx
Truth. It's all an inside game.
Yeah a game where we are the pawns, if we let them use us that way. Thank you @ascendingorder xxx
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