Born Into This System Of Control And Deceit!

From the moment we are born, the control and deceit begins. All we want is to in the arms of our mother, our mother who has carried us in her womb for almost 10 months. But instead we are taken from her womb, our life line cut and placed into the hands of a stranger, who washes off the protective coating that we received as we passed through the birth canal. We are washed, weighted and wrapped up and only then are we allowed to make contact with our mother.


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Only after everything that connected us to the womb, is taken away from us. Our introduction into this world is one that is full of fear and uncertainty. A huge shock to our whole being. Our first impressions are of a cruel world. Where we have to scream to be reunited with our mother!

We are told that this is what birth is like, that this is the 'norm'. But there is nothing normal about the way in which most women are forced to birth their young. Nothing natural about it.

Most women, have no idea what their bodies are capable of, because they have never been told the truth. They have never been allow to know the truth. For so long, birth has been depicted as something gruesome, as something that no woman should face alone. Indeed it is seen as something to be fearful of.

The fact that women believe that they need to go into hospital to birth their babies, says it all. A hospital is where you go when you get sick, and both pregnancy and birth are not a sickness. So why go to a hospital?

Once you go, you hand over all your responsibility and the opportunity to empower both yourself and your baby. When you let others take the lead in your pregnancy, than you do not need to, there us no real pressure to connect with your baby, so many women don't. The only time they do, is when they see them on a screen, during a scan. To them, this is greatest sign of disconnect. When you rely on seeing your baby on a screen, in order to connect with them!

A real sign of the times!

This is exactly what they have planned, their master plan to take our power away, to have us doubting our bodies, our capabilities. To take control. Most people don't even see it, they just accept it, because that is all that they know. They follow the way that has been carved out before them!

What we are witnessing now, it is nothing new. We have been controlled all our lives. How we are educated, what we consume, how we birth our young! Done in such a way, that only a few question it, only a few seek to make their own way.

But now, finally all this corruption, all this manipulation is beginning to be brought to light. I don't know how much longer people can continue to live behind this lie, that they control their own lives. Because the last of our freedom's are slipping away, there is nowhere to hide anymore.

We now have this wonderful opportunity, to break away, to say no to this system that has continuously tried to break us. To dis-empower us. But we can always take that power back and step into our own light and blast this darkness away.

This world that we are born into, it is not a cruel world, it is hands of those that try and control us that are cruel. So we must break away from their powers of manipulation and deceit and create the world that we wish to live in. And We hold the power to do so!






Yes! I have 7 children and only the first one and the last one were born in hospital. The rest were born at home, in my own bed! Wonderful and connected, I am so lucky❤️

Oh wow, I have 3 girls and they keep me busy, I can't imagine 7. My first was born in hospital and my other two at home, what an empowering experience that was. Thanks so much for connecting xxxxx