Be Careful Who You Listen To!

I have been having, some very interesting conversations of late. I have noticed how the covid narrative has dropped down a notch, to make way for the Climate Change narrative. I can see how the division that is already in place, is now being orchestrated in such a way, that their will now be more divides happening within each side. It's never ending, no? In my years of self study, it become pretty clear to me that the climate changing is in itself is a natural occurrence. It fits into the many cycles, that are a part of this amazing planet. Things are shifting and changing all of the time.


So yes I do believe that the climate changes naturally and I also believe that we humans, have had a huge impact on the earth. Some of course more than others. I am well aware that the most important thing that we can do is to live more consciously. That we can all do our part.

What I do not agree with, is this Climate Change Agenda that is being pushed onto us, by some of the most wealthy people in the world. The same people who have shares in companies, that create the most pollution , whilst they themselves flight in private jets, own many houses and have a much larger footprint that any of us. And yet they are the ones calling the shots, telling us what we should be doing.

This is all about control, once again. If these so called leaders really cared about the environment, then why are they not changing their life styles. Why are they not targeting the many industries that are toxic to our planet. Nuclear plants, that waste and pollute millions of liters of water everyday, as they cool down their reactors. Pharmaceutical companies with their incinerators, logging companies that are cutting down our sacred trees, the list is endless.


How about focusing on the solutions to this that really make a difference, promoting more natural medicine and growing hemp to be use to make paper! Oh wait, anyone can do those things quite easily, plus hemp doesn't need any pesticides( another industry that creates so much pollution). This is not about the health of the planet, it never was!

The effect that each one of us has, is minuscule compared to them. They keep talking about the waters rising and yet they own private Islands that are at sea level, hmmmm makes you wonder doesn't it, because if they were really concerned, surely they would all want to live up the mountains!

I see this as another way to instill fear, so that they can exert more control over people. I am very open about my love for the earth and all of her beings. Although I don't like to preach, I prefer, to walk the walk, as they say. What better way to raise awareness about the importance of living a more nature life, one that is more in tune with our natural environment than to actually live that way.


I find it quite humorous, the reaction I get, when I say I do not believe in 'Climate Change', people are shocked and assume I do not care about what happens to the world! Those people obviously do not know me or know how I live. There are so many different things to consider, if you wish to live more consciously. It really affects every part of your life.

If you ask me, what it really boils down to, is having compassion for all life forms. Having a deep love and respect for nature and making decisions that have her best interests at heart. When we choose to see the beauty that surrounds us, to immerse ourselves in nature, it allows us to feel the unity that connects us all, the invisible force that holds all life together.

The earth is our life line, our life's blood. Every breath we take depends on her and also on us, because we are connected, we are now being called upon to now use our voices to help restore her water ways, and to bring balance back into the world. This will never happen, when we have people who are led by their ego, taking positions of power.

We should not listen to them, buy into their propaganda or their fear. We need to listen to ourselves and create a better world, that is build upon peace, universal rights, economic justice and respect for all life on Earth. When you really care for the earth, you know deep within what is right and wrong, you know where the truth lies.


The first two images are from telegram, the third is my own.






I find it quite humorous, the reaction I get, when I say I do not believe in 'Climate Change', people are shocked and assume I do not care about what happens to the world!

I know huh, as if acceptance of 'Climate Change' (ie the man-made version :) and a respectful (sustainable) approach to Life were one and the same! And when this statement of 'no CC' comes after, say, the statement that we're in a pLandemic/scamdemic...well, it's often just too much and leads to dismissal without examination, not to mention the building of yet another layer of distance between former friends :(.

James Corbett did an excellent piece a while ago called "THE IPCC EXPOSED":

you know deep within what is right and wrong, you know where the truth lies

...yep, that's it for me - inner/higher authority/guidance vs external/base authoritarianism, confusion and mis-guidance.

Thanks @barge, yeah people have been so manipulated when it comes to knowing the truth. At the end of the day, people need to become responsible for their own lives, so that they can see past all the bullshit at play, but some just don't want to xx

I used to argue about climate change a lot with people, but I finally came to the conclusion that it doesn't actually matter if you and I agree on human-caused climate change or not - why? Because we all want clean air and water and soils, right? So if you're fighting against pollution just because of health and I'm fighting because of both health and climate change, we're still both fighting for the same thing (I also have a spiritual motivation and it sounds like you do, too).
The individualist narrative (as in, "do your part to stop climate change by altering your lifestyle") has been proven to have actually come from the oil companies, the carbon footprint of individuals came from them, just like anti-litter campaigns such as Keep America Beautiful was a point-the-finger-at-individuals-for-littering move created by the companies making the disposable packaging in place of what used to be bottle return systems. Recycling plastic campaigns came from plastic manufacturers so that everyone would believe the problem was solved and you could just recycle; except of course almost no plastic actually GETS recycled and it's all greenwashing.
So while yes, I try and live as "green" a life as I can, I know damn well that it isn't me and you doing most of the damage, and it serves those that DO the majority of the damage for us to focus on just our own actions. If we're busy arguing about how gas guzzling someone's car is and not the literal tons of waste coming out of the factory or the oil spills gushing into the ocean that is on fire, then they get to keep polluting.

That's very true, but I also think some people don't care. They are that detached from nature, they prefer to be comfortable, rather than face the cost of that comfort.
Thank you for pointing out where all the individualist narrative comes from, all a distraction at the end of the day xxx

Oh for sure, there are definitely some people so dissociated from the rest of nature that they don't even realize they are a part of it.

I love R. Tagore's poetry. He hits to my heart as powerfully as Rumi.

RT is also the guy who wrote national anthems for two countries: India and Bangladesh (both in Bengali).

You can't go against nature because it is part of nature too. Live the life you love, with the god you trust and don't take it all too seriously!

  • Love and Rockets -

So refreshing to read your posts thank you , your words have brightened my bus journey in the fog this morning . Much love

Thanks @audiohive-me, I am happy to read that my words brightened your day.Much love back at ya xxx
p.s give @holisticmom a hug from me when you next see her xxxx

The climate on this planet is first of all controlled and regulated by it's position in the universe . So reasons to any change in climate should be first looked for outside the planet . Now there is nothing we can do against the ways of the universe , just adapt to it and hope for the best .
Humans are the strangers on Earth , the only organism that always exhaust's the natural resources and pollutes his own environment up till the point that it collapses . Just check history , city's in the old days where always importing people from the country side in any way they could , to compensate their high death rate from ,.. pollution .
The last view ages the new found technology did not stop humans from polluting the Earth , it made separation from their own pollution possible in many ways . Humans could finally , as a organism , grow exponential above any civilization before . That is , before their own pollution would catch up with them again .
We humans always destroy the environment we live in but have no influence on the global climate ,.. that is , the mass of the humans do not , where nowadays true technology some individuals have ways to change climate , like spraying chemicals in the air or even use electromagnetic wave tech . But still , in no way humans can make a permanent change to the Earth's climate ,... time will erase all mistakes humans made after they are gone . In the worse case that could be a 1000 years , witch is merely a blink of a eye on the universal time scale .

I see myself as a guest on this planet , where the planet is a very welcoming place to be ,... reasons to respect it and keep it as clean as i can . ;-)

I never did mention the whole HARP technology, there are so many layers to this discussion, thanks for adding this one @small1axe xx
It is true that many people have had a negative affect on the environment, but not all of us, some of us are on the good side xxxxx

What they did with the concept of "climate change" is key to division, I love the fact that you are presenting an argument, not saying "I am a denier" like it's been portrayed by the opposition many times, but that the very same people in charge of the energy resources in the world are the same people pushing the narrative of an eventual climate lockdown in the future, that's super suspicious if you ask me.

It's all so bloody suspicious and pretty obvious as well sometimes. It's part of their plan, but that plan is not part of mine, or yours my friend xxx

Good questions! Why do more people not question?! It is infuriating to me that the masses swallow all the garbage that is fed to them. Good little slaves doing what is expected of them.