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RE: Damn It, It's Just Not An Informed Decision!

in Deep Dives4 years ago

it's frustrating indeed because I feel the same that everyone should be allowed to make their own personal decision best for their situation/state of mind. If someone feels that they should take it, I won't judge them. I think it's a shame that so many want to take something experimental without knowing what it will cause longer term, but it's their live. As well as it's mine and I don't want to be judged for not taking it. I truly wonder what will happen with the next "wave" those that have been vaccinated, I foresee it's going to work out totally different than expected by them. The show's not over yet. they will play some more tricks as those not vaccinated need to have some more pressure. Bring it on. I'm glad we didn't get the immunity certificate (read: pay for antigen test and cert to be allowed inside restaurants hotels etc) because from tomorrow, we are all allowed again, glad I didn't sponsor the government with our money and waited a bit longer..