Supporter Video | news roundup | March 5th 2024
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Supporter Video | news roundup | March 5th 2024
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Billions for security is a reason for the open border. The need to track and trace all those foreign fighters that snuck over our border in super sekrit (and were supplied cell phones, driver's licenses, and UN cash cards with $10k) of course has to apply to all Americans. Problem, reaction, solution.
I am struck by the identical plot the 'New Aylium' narrative has to the 'Q' narrative back during the first Trump campaign. Good guys are secretly taking over and getting rid of the bad guys. Man, do I ever want to believe!
What about a secret organized crime gang that posed as a religious cult, but actually ran gambling rackets, prostitution, smuggled and dealt drugs, loan sharking, robbery and pickpocket rings, surveillance and spying, and etc., and has been running the streets for millennia? Then they get control of banks through blackmailing politicians with their child sex slaves and now they rule the world through bribery and blackmail, genociding and ethnic cleansing anyone with land or resources they want, and disrupting and weakening civil society by forced immigration of incompatible groups. That's what I actually believe.
Balance comes from an open heart that lovingly bonds thoughts with emotions. Heartlessness stems from a failure to allow thought and emotion to bond - typically thoughts reject emotions they don't like or want to listen to.
We (and God) have come a long way since the understandings present during the days that world religions took form. We do need to become divine versions of ourselves, but old world religions are not capable of that. In truth, they all contain errors which are part of what is causing the problems in the world.
Today, this is really an absence of deep bonds and emotions. I just went on today about how they removed the emotional from the visual environment, i.e., by demoralising art. With people - its even more profound sometimes - people are like robots now. They need to wake up - hopefully one day. Thanks for the description - I don't know that much about this subject.
Yes, denial - and specifically denial of real emotions - is the oldest epidemic.
It's also the main tool that evil has to dis-empower and end life.
The most insidious aspect is that this is all a process that individuals are doing to themselves. The reflection in outer reality stems from everyone, everywhere. Often it is the the least significant looking individuals who are denying emotions the most and who are most responsible for the heartbreak, loss of power and loss of love on Earth.
You are welcome, this is the area I have studied the most in my life - this time around 😄
look into jean Pierre petit, a french physicist who claims to have found a new type of power source the thermo-electro-magnetism. Essentially he says he found a solution to thermo equations that eliminate turbulance at hyper-sonic speeds. Soviets really liked what he did while the west did everything to silence his research. Apparently now putin the years of russian research based on his og finding for his hyper-veloce rockets. He also says that the shape of certain generators using his principles is saucer like. In addition he has developed the JANUS model of the universe where negative mass exists and is gravity repellent. He says all major cosmological voids are clumps of negative mass which have pushed regular mass into clumps called galaxies. This is a new rabbit hole for me but i can tell you it shows a certain degree of legitimacy. He also is very vocal about the pandemic and vaccines.
will check him out - have not heard of him before, or don't remember hearing about him. If you find any good docos or videos - just paste it in the future comments!