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RE: Supporter Video | news roundup | April 11 2024

in Deep Dives9 months ago

About reproductive function - you are right about being malleable, I never thought about that part. But I understand just what you are talking about, now you said it - people are aimless, and then they can be controlled i.e., less protective nature in people - who don't have children maybe - family probably leads to family / home ownership or at least classically - and home owners also having more stake in society - so they are more interested in politics. It is probably another reason why they are trying to engineer a "generation of renters" . Its like, if you take a personality - they are just doing the retooling now i.e., they have the personality construct / malleable and they are getting ready to put the wheels on, so they can push them into the fire. In every direction you can see it happening.

About Good and Evil, I agree with everything you said.

About that link to Oera Linda Book - thanks for this - that is something that sounds interesting. I added that to my to watch list.
