
Good Lord! I laughed my head off at your story about picking up a stick on the beach. You should have stabbed him in the heart with the stick so the ambulance would have to transport him off the beach with the stick still in his heart, to prevent blood loss, and then filed charges against him for removing the stick from the marine sanctuary.

There are places that have title that precludes property tax.

Wikipedia has a section under property tax that lists several jurisdictions that do not tax real property. This list is not exhaustive, and there are a variety of localities that do not tax some properties. Churches, NGO's, and governments are sometimes excluded from paying property taxes in various jurisdictions. Allodial title is superior to any other claim, in contrast to fiefdoms, or fee simple title, which is granted by the Allod, or ultimate overlord of all the realm in which the property lies. Parties with allodial title to their land do not pay property tax, generally being kings and such.


Yeah, I often think about the beach story - it was from like 20 years ago - but now the world is full of people like that. It was in the days before cellphones are common - otherwise, if it were today, it might have been one of the few times I ever turn the cell on and record video - he had this bright red face as well, looked like he was going to explode - was like some kind of Roald Dahl character had come to life.

If I had money, base on the lack of property taxes for churches, I guess I am starting a religion LOL

NGOs are often not taxed as well, for the same reason, that they benefit society. You certainly perform a public service (although most governments would consider you a threat instead, LOL), so it would be facile to start an NGO and gain all sorts of tax benefits, of more interest if you suffer from taxation keenly.

One of the more obvious attacks the Obama administration executed was auditing non-profits maliciously, as part of the suppression of Operation Wall Street and the Tea Party, starting ~2012 IIRC. I suppose that's why the Biden administration has added ~90k IRS agents.

if you use you can send and recieve calls on a computer using their esim service (you can also get a free 1m trial by review fraud if you contact their support and send them proof)
I sent them an email and got the free plan to verify an a tinder account ;)

"...(you can also get a free 1m trial by review fraud if you contact their support and send them proof)...I sent them an email and got the free plan..."

So, you claimed review fraud or smth?

It doesn't look like they have a free plan.


basically if you scroll to the bottom of the page and go to FAQ you'll see they'll give you a free trial for a positive appstore + trustpilot review (hence review fraud).
I think they don't openly advertise that for obvious reasons tho

I checked it out - I'm still considering my options. but thanks for the ref!

Twenty minutes in was all I could take of the video stalling, sometimes stalling repeating the same line. It'll take me two, three hours at that rate to make it through it.

I don't know if you mean, the video i.e., connection or me - if you are talking about the video, there has been this thing on youtube, where they slow down connection speeds to censored channels - so maybe tat is it idk

Since it had a 3S on it I am assuming it's three speaks video platform. I usually bypass using them if you give other options like watching it on utube. Their videos are known for stalling, there's a word they use for it but I can't recall it right now. Also, if you want to re-play a part back it'll often times also do that repeat thing like you use to experience on a scratched-up vinyl record.

Another thing, and I am only being honest here, that drives me crazy is when you play video segments in fast mode of people speaking. It really does take away from the quality of the videos you put out, is hard to understand what people are saying, and commands one to have focus to intently so they don't have to rewind and watch it again to understand what is said. I know it can sometimes be a little drawn out to listen to it at regular speed, I experience that a lot with other videos, once you get the scope that the web host isn't making it up what someone said or done it can make it more tedious to sit through the rest of it depending on length but it does lend more quality to the video than having to listen to a Mickey Mouse version of it. Sorry for the descriptive, but it is what it is, and I am always way too honest, which gets me in a lot of trouble sometimes.

I was going to say but had forgotten there for a minute. Here when they force you to upgrade they give you a free phone. It's not the latest thing on the market but it's one that supports the next grade up. I can't remember when they did it, if it was last year or the year before, though I think it was the year before, my phone was a 3g qwerty board phone, it was ancient if you ask my kids, they could never understand how someone could have the same phone for over a decade (lol). It finally caved, the charging port gave out and there was no way to replace it. They didn't even carry the part at the computer/phone repair shop I went to. I just happened to go to the dealer to get another phone and they said I was in luck because they were shutting off support to 3g the following April so that entitled me to a new phone. They gave me a choice of a flip top qwerty type phone or an Apple, I think it's a S7 or something like that. So not new new.

Well, that is good they have that - where you get a new phone - in new zealand, you have to pay for it - and everything is 2x the cost of what it is in the states. But its blackmail they are doing - about charging ports, they often go first - I think they do it on purpose, because they could make ports that don't fall apart like they do on all phones - but if they did, you probably would still have that phone.

Maybe they don't build them like they use to given my phone was over a decade old. Seems to be the norm now, everything you buy now breaks down faster, with most stuff it's probably all the plastic parts instead of using steal.