
I am reminded of a Saturday Night Live skit back when SNL was good, in which Ronald Raygun was portrayed as sharp as a tack in private meetings, rattling off orders in Arabic to tin pot dictators in the Middle East during meetings with staff that scrambled to keep up, but played the bumbling, personable persona Reagan presented in public in front of cameras. It was one of the most hilarious performances Phil Hartman (?) pulled off in a career of keynote performances, IMHO.

God I wish I could believe it about Bidet!

The dumping of migrants is biological warfare, and disarmed populaces have two choices: drive the migrants out with pitchforks and torches, or be replaced. Even armed civilians are being so afflicted in America, while extraordinary indoctrination is employed to psychologically disarm us. Catboys in miniskirts aren't staving off hordes of savage tribes from Africa nor highly trained cohorts fresh out of paramilitary school in China or Venezuela. This is the reason for the horrific desensitization inflicted on kids in public schools here today. It renders the population defenseless, as heavily armed boomers are replaced with highly sexualized Zoomers that prefer a cock in their mouth to a gun in their hand. This is the reason for fluoridation dumbing us down, and soyification of men dropping test by >60% in 50 years, with cruel sexualization of the gormless generation incoming.

Tucker well stated that the Moscow subway radicalized him and the crew against Western leaders. It's pretty hard to not compare the hordes of homeless camps regional and national governments are imposing in the West with places where such attacks on society aren't being implemented.

Bret Weinstein is pointing to Bret LeFavre, a football icon in the USA.

The trans indoctrination is a far more devastating attack on women than it even is on men.


lol I think everyone wishes they could believe it about Biden - one thing I saw today, as people pointed out, was that he stopped halfway through talking like the edibles just kicked in lol. He paused for like 4 seconds or something between his low-key ramble.

About the dumping of migrants being biological warfare - the same network is promoting migrant men as "masculine in advertisements" while portraying the native population as bumbling idiots (and have done for years (this at the same time as you pointed out the drops in testosterone) - they have also promoted in school systems all the traits that women are not attracted to in the base population - via women's own testimony. The sad thing though is it's just beyond most people's horizon because you need to have at least one foot in the rabbit hole in the first place to even understand it. The mere fact that migrant families are being piped in from countries that have a far higher reproduction rate than the native population - thus replacing the native population - and that no one can even see the easy maths in this is extraordinary to me.


Thanks, had not seen that Tokyo video before.

English rapper and journalist Lowkey giving some deep insight over at Mint Press News

as a fun fact: i started watching you at 14-15 and now im 23, i know Kurt Cobain and nirvana

dang, you have been watching for a while! Lol, I hope I have not warped your mind too much haha!

The DMX Redemption Arc is quite beautiful and spiritually uplifting...... theres many layers to everything in life.... some shit is deep beyond the surface.....