
I am certain that myriad hostile foreign actors have entered the US in the last four years. A chinese guy was just arrested for surveilling a military base. I'm sure there's more where that came from. Some of the drones are spies. I'm also certain that the intelligence agencies and DOD have drones that track spies, thwart surveillance, and take out enemy drones, too. Some of the drones are those. There's also ~1m civilian and privately owned drones in America. I'm sure there's more than 20k privately owned drones in New Jersey, and a helluva lot of the drones reported are those. Something else that occurs to me is that radical leftists that want communism totalitarian tyranny do not want private drones to even exist. They want draconian laws that give the government power to ground, take, and eliminate private drones, and HR 8610 is waiting to re-authorize the FAA to keep it's 'Orwellian' powers, by Dec. 20, when the current authorization expires. George Soros spends money like water to achieve leftist goals, millions on just one DA in one leftist hellhole. In order to create panic and pressure on legislators to pass that re-authorization he'd spend a lot of money on drones to cause that panic.

I think that leftists have lost a lot of clout since Trump's election, and still want to influence the US government. I think it's a lot more likely they are putting drones up for that purpose than the DOD is. I believe the search for radioactive materials has been disproved because there have been detections of such hotspots in NYC, and no ground teams have been reported to secure those spots, and that is what needs to happen to secure radioactive sources.

So, I suspect the DOD and FEMA won't reveal the spies, and won't reveal their covert tools against those spies, and have no other dog in the fight. Soros sure does though.


I agree, especially about the ground crews—it would seem logical that you would want people nearest to the source you are trying to measure, given that they would need to carry heavy equipment. About the drones in general, yeah, there are a lot of drones around. The only thing I look forward to with drones is the erosion of centralized food suppliers—who own all the shelf space and thus can fix market entry. Now anyone with a warehouse or website can enter with a delivery system. You could get farmers, maybe one day, just delivering their own milk if they are five miles from the target—or just tanking their milk to a warehouse fifty miles away or whatever, because now they are getting better deals.

The problem here in New Zealand is that the farmers all joined a centralized conduit to the supermarkets, which drove up prices so they made more—but also drove them up for everyone. There are other farmers who wanted to be independent, but they just did not have a way in unless they joined the conduit. Now, hopefully, they do. If I could order raw milk and have it here, I would be drinking that instead of the watered-down milk on the shelf—which seems like 5% milk to me. Although these days, I don't drink normal milk at all.

Thank!About the spies, I agree. However I think they are all spies, I think in reality - all the politicians, in every county are compromised and just spies. The only thing they have in common, is they don't work on behalf of the people that elected them. There are of course, many examples of this. Also, on another note - New Zealand had an "alleged" Chinese spy as a member of parliament (who used to train spies "allegedly" ) - this might seem strange, but its actually the way things are done these days - that is why the power costs so much in new zealand - and everything - they are trying to price the people out of the property market so black rock etc., can buy it all

"The only thing I look forward to with drones is the erosion of centralized food suppliers..."

I think this gives short shrift to the very broad potential applications of drones, and particularly quadcopter private transportation of actual people. There are very desirable security capabilities potential, especially for surveillance purposes. Think of gang members making crack having a drone or ten out to watch for SWAT teams, or rival gangs, for example. Or a neighborhood watch looking for car thieves. Drones would not only enable detecting thieves scouting, but also enable discouraging those thieves without subjecting any Daniel Penny's to lawfare by leftists. Going forwards robust drone capabilities in the hands of the public dramatically increase the power to resist tyranny and criminal depredations wielded as a sword to degrade civil society by Commies, which is obviously the purpose of catch and release DA's funded by George Soros et alia. Additionally, not only transport, but actual tending of crops, weeding, applying fertilizers, and perhaps even shooting individual insects with lasers, for example, in addition to picking only perfectly ripe fruit one at a time, all become possible with automated drones and drone swarms. I think it would be very fun to take manual control of a microdrone with a 100W laser and fly out to wage war on a swarm of locusts, or an infestation of hornworms, or something, but just being able to automate transforming a swarm of locusts into fertilizer would be a game changer for agriculture, and scale down much better than up, a feature of decentralization that improves individual sovereignty.

It's really hard to run out of conceivable uses for private drones that improve civilian sovereignty and prosperity while reducing corporate and governmental power.
Transportation is a very good example, because commuting to work above traffic jams would add hours to the day of many people, especially in leftist hellholes like LA and Chicongo.

This technology is just beginning. While the FAA and corporate overlords won't permit such a craft to have .50 BMG's mounted on it, it would be extremely difficult to prove an adjacent swarm of drones that did have .50's mounted on them were owned by the pilot of that one quad. This dramatically deprecates the power of road pirates to oppress civilians, brightening our future.

Many, many AI softwares suitable for almost all hardware capabilities and levels are in the wild today. While commercial drones have very restrictive software, FOSS drone software can be as liberating as the private drone manufacturer wants it to be. When laser arrays, microwave moats, and even CRISPR'd carnivorous social insect swarms are added to the potential payloads of drone swarms, the ability of armed thugs to project force against civilians rapidly dwindles to almost nothing. Imagine wasps that are genetically modified to accept C&C hardware that enables being controlled by security AI for your home. Because wasps feed on insect pests, you could combine pest control for your crops as the food source for your home security patrol drones, requiring only inserting a chip you printed during the metamorphosis from larva to adult wasp, and a little processing power to run the security system. All the hardware required for this is table top right now, not some science fiction, requiring only some software and CRISPR development to bring to fruition.

Not only would your home security system be able to deny even gangs of armed thugs ingress to your property, but that armed gang would provide fuel to run your security system, because wasps are carnivorous. Adding that capability to private home security requires a whole new industry of military armament, with weapons grade raid being a standard issue to soldier's kits to enable gangs of armed thugs to penetrate your security system. However, that wouldn't do much about the ability of wasps to provide patrol and surveillance capabilities. Given the ability of a swarm of wasps controlled by AI to coordinate targeting of lasers mounted on automated inorganic drones (50x 100w lasers focused on a target equals 5 kilowatts of laser power, as does 500x 10w, etc.), or any of a myriad of other security techs, weapons grade Raid wouldn't solve the problems gangs of armed thugs would face when this tech is employed, and the diversity of security tech adopted by decentralized civilians would be impossible to solve with a standardized kit. Centralized control of free civilians that make their own security tech becomes impossible very quickly.

IMHO, this is the future of private drones, not package deliveries.

You're right about drones—drugs would definitely be a big one. In many cases, they're already being used for this, such as flying in drugs and other contraband. But in the future, you could imagine having something like a "trap house in the sky." I hadn’t thought about the other examples you mentioned, like neighborhood watch drones, but when you consider it, there’s a lot of potential there. The idea of neighborhood watch drones is fascinating—gone are the days of peeking around corners with flashlights.

I remember when I was a kid, my friend’s mother used to patrol in a car with a flashlight. She was part of some kind of watch group, and they had a radio for communication. It was for the small town I lived in. In the future, though, it'll probably be drones equipped with infrared cameras doing the job instead.

Regarding the drones in New Jersey, it seems they've vanished from social media or at least decreased since the FAA implemented that ban there. It’s worth noting that the FAA apparently had a heads-up about drones in their airspace months in advance. I read about that in the Daily Mail, though I haven’t looked deeper into it.

I hadn’t considered CRISPR or other tech being used to create drones that can harvest energy directly from the environment—that’s some real sci-fi stuff. But I agree, innovations like that could shape the future, and it doesn’t even have to be on a small scale. You could theoretically build something like a bird using that kind of technology. The future is going to be wild, especially once we achieve true AGI.

People are claiming we’re there already, or at least some AI YouTubers are saying that with things like ChatGPT-4. But I’m not convinced. I think a lot of that is just hype or stock-pushing. The real moment will come when you can turn it on, give it data, and it learns like a human—creating entirely new data that didn’t exist before. That’s when things will really start to get wild.

If such systems become FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) and accessible to the public, it could radically change everything. Good or bad, the elites might find their ability to control things quickly slipping away. Once everyone has the ability to build their own systems, the traditional control grid could become obsolete. The future could truly belong to individuals instead of corrupt and pathological centralized powers that be.


yes bro, no one knows but you do, it's the