
I never even heard of this entire issue. However, the tactic of releasing inadequate video to the public is a common method to conceal relevant evidence while posturing as full disclosure. The hundreds of SS and DOJ agents in the Jan. 6th crowd strongly suggests that not only were agents provocateur infiltrated into the crowd, but also were involved in this psyop. I'm sure that the bomb failed to go off, and the 'former' CIA agent just reeks of cointelpro operations to psyop the public, in support of the kangaroo convictions of the protesters that weren't intelligence agents screeching to commit crimes, as Ray Epps clearly and obviously was.

Private spooks are obvious cutouts. Evergreen Air, BCCI, the entire Paypal Mafia, Ehud Barak linked Mossad Unit 8200 companies that infest the USG with software and consultancies, etc, etc, are obviously simply government spooks availed deniability cover to make pretense the USG is following constitutional limitations. We know they are not. In Missouri vs. Biden the USG openly claimed they were absolutely directing private companies to censor Americans exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Almost every and any restriction on government imposed by the Constitution has very obviously been ignored and breached by The Patriot Act claimed the USG could torture anyone without officially charging them with a crime, blatantly contrary to the limits on government in the Constitution.

The USG tortured hundreds of people, including US citizens, citizens of allied countries, children, the legal counsel to the President of the US, George W. Bush, John Yee, stated the President had the authority to 'crush the testicles of a child in order to interrogate their parents', and this was followed by Abu Ghraib, where evidence was claimed to reveal children being raped as a means of interrogation of their parents. There is no legal justification potential to heinous criminal acts against children, period. Further, under Obama, the USG deliberately assassinated an American child by drone strike, without any charge or even accusation of wrong-doing of any kind, not so much as jaywalking.

These details of admitted crimes by the USG aren't blared on the enemedia. Fox viewers don't know, CNN watchers don't know. Only people that read and search for media that can be trusted have learned of these details. We know for a fact that the USG does not respect any limitation on it's power to commit any atrocity that may occur to it, however whimsical or horrific it may be. Legal actions in the courts are laughable to informed folks, because just courts would have long ago sentenced the terrorists that tortured, raped, and murdered American children, provably innocent of any crime, neither even potentially legally liable for criminal acts, to death by hanging. Treason, terrorism, and war crimes against humanity worse than any accusation levied at Nazis admitted by the USG remains uncharged, unprosecuted, and unpunished.

What informed person expects that after these decades of inhuman crimes the blatantly traitorous and corrupt Biden administration has any concern over legal niceties? None I can even imagine. I could not less expect any actual lawful conduct from the USG than I do.

Regarding Simonyan's claims of WWIII imminence and eruption in the ME, that's nothing but ratcheting up fear porn. The incessant prosecution of acts of war across the world, primarily the Southern Hemisphere, by HATO and Western governments means that no actual discrete demarcation between before and after the beginning of a global conflict is able to be ascertained. WWIII is just ongoing. Perhaps you could point to 9/11 as it's genetic origin, but that first was attempted in 1993, and Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the OK City Bombing all could equally be pointed to as the entry of the US into such war against humanity.

The money funnel of the Biden candidacy is the only source of life and sustenance that cohort depends on, and there is nothing nor anyone that will ever be able to pay them enough money to lay off. I reckon it's HRC and that ilk, waging and losing the war with the Obama faction, the puppeteers behind the scenes that posture pawns in political ponerology.


About the pipe bomb - I think the MSM dropped that story because it started to fall apart, so they did not want to draw attention to it i.e., the FBI. I remember covering it, but I forgot all about it as well until recently with the new video that came out.

About Unit 8200 - I am always surprised by how much "outsourcing" of data Western countries send to Israel for some reason - as if they can't run their own facial recognition databases i.e., the latest example is identity confirmation for Twitter, which uses an Israeli company to do it. Because as you know, the United States could never do that; it does not have the capability lol. It's plain as day that all these outsourcing are done to escape oversight/laws. Soon they won't have to, though, because it will all be social credit systems. So the whole Five Eyes spying on each other (Israel not being part of the Five Eyes on paper, of course, but might as well be) will just be, "We can spy, and you can't do anything about it if you want that pack of sausages for Christmas at a price you can afford."

About "enhanced interrogation" lol, so they call it now - that is all true (I still can't believe, back then people were actively debating the use of torture LOL and how its a "good thing") - by they way, the new darling of the press is George Bush (he is such a wonderful person, he paints pictures of boats!). Although they are close to mind-reading tech, so in the future, they will probably use torture with the headset on. Looking back at how that was all done - the videos and pictures that came out - I used to think that when all that came to light, things might change. How wrong I was. BTW, it's funny how the torture report was lost - no funny business there. The mere fact that can happen, and no questions being asked, is really extraordinary - although a movie did come out, "The Report," I have yet to see because I have no doubt it's a limited hangout. Although now talking about it, maybe will try that later tonight.

About the money being funneled into Biden - you are right about that - they are a leech/parasite class. If you compare them to the animal world, that is just what they are - they literally are only kept alive by mega-corruption. They need a super-corrupt environment to just stay alive, so they must, by their nature, facilitate it.


omg a video on my birthday, i wasn't expecting it, thank you ed aha

happy birthday mate!