Escape From Samsara

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)
Authored by @Thecogent


1. Infinite Loops

In Vedic philosophy the journey from birth to death and rebirth is called Samsara. Our mortal coil, devoured by one life, is spat out into the next. Just as death is certain for the living, re-birth is certain for the dead.

Spanning the concept of reincarnation, Samsara describes the transmigration of the soul endlessly propagating through a myriad of different lives. From one moment to the next, one lifetime to another, our journey is regulated by karma - what we do in this life that’s reflected in future lives. We keep coming back to give up our attachments, free ourselves from duality and realise unity with all living beings.

But what if our cosmic lives were being marshalled by forces beyond a spiritual order?

What if the intersection of behavioural-economics and mass-media had somehow lured us away from the vortex of our own karma into a sort of simulated reality?

Just as Newton's gravitational law pulls the earth in its orbit, has our fate been entangled in the karma of a ruling elite?

If they can assemble the full genetic blueprint for human life, can they redesign the existential experience, albeit, inside an individual's hacked psyche?

The mind’s a magic lantern and consensual reality a powerful construct. Freedom, we are told, is a myth, just as humans are hackable animals living under digital dictators.

In quantum theory, the superposition principle reveals a quantum system in all conceivable states simultaneously, until it’s measured. In other words, observation creates the final position, and things will appear, reality will happen, wherever it’s summoned.

If those who tell the stories rule the world, the stories they tell us are the houses we live in. Storytelling is in our DNA. Our capacity to imagine and create mental landscapes and link scenario building minds sets us apart from animals and puts us within earshot of creation, but it’s also the means of our ideological capture.

2), The World’s a Stage


The entire phenomenal world, according to late Vedic scriptures, is an illusion, a projection of forms that sustains their credibility due to our attachments to how things appear. We scarcely see the truth underlying existence, nor see beyond our own preconceived notions, and more than we can possibly imagine, we are beholden to mythos and archetypes, names, and forms.

This illusion, discussed at length in The Upanishads, is called Maya. It means trickery, deception and conjuring. To suppose that a small group of conflated interests has our back or that societies are built on equity, is Maya emboldened in the false beliefs we hold to be true about the world.

Maya is also the roles we play, masks we wear and identities we assume. Most people cannot handle the truth, preferring comfortable ignorance to uncomfortable knowledge. We are no longer stewards of creation, but soldiers in the rank and file. We have gone from authoring our own stories, to playing out roles in someone else’s stagecraft.

To understand Maya, we must first explore the concept of Brahman, which is the unchanging, imperceptible essence of all that can be experienced. Brahman is the cosmic principle that unifies everything in the cosmos as one. Nothing exists in isolation, since everything is relative to something else. The cosmic dance between the experiencer and the experience, the individual and the manifest world, subject and object, speaks to an interdependence of all things, so profound, you cannot have one without the other. Nothing exists in a vacuum when everything is relative to something else. As Alan Watts explains “when you walk, your feet do not dangle mid-air, they tread solid ground.” In the realms of cause and effect, the influence of a butterfly’s wings in Mexico over weather systems in Shanghai, is Brahman expressed in Chaos Theory.

The ultimate nature of reality in its supreme, transcendent, and eternal expression, Brahman is the form from which everything else is created. What Brahman is not is the fragmented, mechanistic universe we think we belong to, because the smallest most insignificant point of creation contains a blueprint for all of creation, just as the DNA within each cell contains a blueprint for our entire physiology.

This holistic nature of life expressed in every particle of creation, expresses itself in every individual, through The Atman. If Brahman is the ocean, Atman is a drop in the ocean. It is the awakening of the self in union with the self of the universe. And once this aspect of our true nature is revealed not only do we perceive the drop merging with the ocean, but the ocean merging with the drop, and all beings in the self and the self in all beings.

But for as long as Brahman is understood from a dualistic perspective, and we see fragmentation of the unified order and ourselves separate from everything else, we are dwelling in Maya and bound to Samsara’s endless cycles of suffering.

Paradoxically, as with all expressions of the manifest world, Maya is born from Brahman, but it is the world perceived through our filters, senses, judgements, ignorance’s, and attachments; it is the cosmic illusion concealing the true nature of spiritual reality; a sort of stage play enacted by the supreme consciousness of God.

3). Hell is Empty and all the devils are here!


The industry of fake holy men, from Rockefeller to Gates to Fauci, operates under the pretext of being Lord and Creator. Holding the fate of the world in their hands has granted them ascendance and with it the power to destroy and recreate the world in their own image.

The projection of their narcissistic mental plays onto real world scenarios is Maya personified. They aspire to go beyond owning and controlling everything, to holding the keys to existence. The morbid obsession with transforming organic life into patentable, lab-engineered products, the digitisation of nature, genetics, transhumanism, and artificial Intelligence (AI) are the ritualistic enactments of their god consciousness.

The same madness that drove alchemists to attempt to transform base metal into gold - as if it brought mortal man into the realm of immortal gods - possesses the minds of transhumanists and geneticists, with one fundamental exception - it’s not enough for these people to steal gods' secrets on earth, they have proclaimed themselves gods in their own right.

If they can create a parallel universe, replicate natural systems beyond the code of nature and hack the doors of perception, they have entered the realms of lord and creator. Through two corporations, they control everything we eat, drink, wear or use. Their technology and consumables have become the means for ordinary people to transcend the mundane experience, so much so, that if God once existed, he's long been abolished.

In their warped minds, the unifying, indivisible spirit of Brahman is diametrically opposed to the fragmented world of the elites, carved into the haves and have-nots, where a few feather their own nests, while the rest of us will not own a single blade of grass.

Nature, as an expression of the unified order, also exists freely beyond their administration and orthodoxies. That's why Gates, Monsanto and the rest of them want to abolish it. It goes beyond narcissistic to messianic personality disorder. It’s not so much control, but creation.

Another competing interest is reality. A fake reality is, therefore, preferential. Under the rubric of a counterfeit world, you can control every vector. The question is, how do you get there?

4). How to create a fake reality, starter-kit


The battle for your brain arguably began in the 1950’s when the CIA infiltrated Hollywood and corporate media through Operation Mockingbird. Placing several hundred opinion makers on the payroll of spy agencies in return for disseminating fake news events.

There's a lot to unpack here. A good starting point is ‘Weird Scenes from Inside the Canyon’ David McGowan's astonishing expose of the covert PSYOPs behind sixties counterculture and the hippy dream.

When you look more closely at today's reality show, it’s the illegitimate child of this fait accompli. A mockery of western culture and values, concocted by intelligence operatives embedded across newsrooms, Hollywood and academia has come to dominate our perception of reality.

Predictive Programming, as it’s known, has transformed the psyche into a sort of laboratory and objective reality into episodes of things that didn't really happen.

When you're resident in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave they need not change the flight path of reality if they can alter your perception of it. The technique of power has always been about controlling what you think other people think, since the Kool Aid only works if everyone’s drinking it.

Implementing Soviet style collectivism through the temporal veil of Maya is child's play, when the supreme soul of Braham already unifies everything in the universe, as one. We are all made from the same substance stardust, every atom of oxygen, carbon, calcium and iron inside our bodies was created inside a star long before the Earth came into existence.

The harmonic phenomenon, Sympathetic Resonance, shows how shows how an object's frequency affects another object tuned to a similar frequency. The classic example is two tuning forks tuned to the same hertz, when one fork is struck, vibrations occur in the un-struck fork.

Sympathetic resonance.
That's how you control 7 billion people.

— N.K (@NK97111667) November 25, 2022

Explaining why half the world’s population paid false witness to COVID-19 – they become wireless transmitters of that pseudo reality, projecting its construct onto the cave wall.

The Pentagon’s control over several hundred talking heads eventually flew the coop of monochrome TV satellites and landed in Silicon Valley’s burgeoning internet in the nineties, created by the same cohort of spies and psychologists for expanding the bandwidth of the CIA’s social engineering activities over US citizens and ushering in the disinformation-age opined by one loose-lipped former Director.

The basic premise of mind control originated in 1921 at the British intelligence research centre, Tavistock Institute. These psychological warfare techniques were further developed in by the Nazi’s when military physicians introduced barbiturates, morphine derivatives and mescal into their interrogations.

Heir to this legacy MKUltra would test the parameters of sensory deprivation and isolation on US citizens subjected to a rigmarole of psychological and physical torture including electric shock therapy, LSD and muscular paralytic drugs, administered to non-consenting volunteers kept in isolation for up to 86 days. As they slipped into drug induced comas audio messages playing on a loop throughout the procedure primed their minds for new memory implants. The radical therapy, called Psychic Driving would attempt to erase or ‘de-pattern’ personality traits.

The parallels with the New Normal are uncanny. During the UK’s first lockdown, the population was isolated for 84 days and drip-fed disinformation with fabricated mortality rates played on a loop, ad nauseam. The results were identical to MKUltra as people’s concepts of themselves, society and the functions of ‘The State’ were totally rewired, you could say psychically driven.
Lurking above the substratum of Brahman is the Vedic principle, Adhyasa, which means superimposition. Brought about by fear and induced by memory, Adhyasa is a state of self-hypnosis, so profound, people cannot tell the difference between a harmless rope and venomous snake.

Superimposition is caused by Avidyā, misconceptions of self-identity. If Maya is the universal illusion, Avidya is the self-delusion; and causes people to mistake pleasure for pain, adversaries for allies, the passing world for eternity. It is on account of Avidyā that we forget our true nature. As a consolation to these discomforts, we seek completion through externalised pleasures and protections, be they status, material gain, or the fantasy that “The State” will protect us from ourselves.

The source of Adhyasa is fear, which according to neurophysiology impairs the formation of long-term memories by damaging the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, the hippocampus and triggering an overactive amygdala which curbs nonessential brain functions and throws us into fight or flight mode.

Liberation from Maya is found through self-realisation, the first step to seeing the self in all beings and all beings in the self. On the contrary, if we regard each other as carriers of infectious disease, we will retreat into a fragmented world and seek protections from those looking to steal the seat of our consciousness for themselves.

Global warming is another ruse that shakes our foundations to the core by pitting us against our environment and causing even more fragmentation of the unified order. Its effects are so disturbing that we no longer see ourselves as stitches in the fabric of nature, but stains on its tapestry.

5). It’s Just a Ride


There’s a long history of philosophical hypotheses questioning the nature of reality.

Is the world a stage or is it just a ride? Was Zhuangzi a man dreaming he was a butterfly or butterfly dreaming he was a man?

The idea that there's little distinction between the dream and reality can be found in Simulation Theory, Nick Bostrom's hypothesis that our lives are a gaming simulation created by our descendants as a sort of homage to posterity.

In the same way that we open a family photo album today, argues Bostrom’s theory, our descendants will run a gaming simulation of our lives in the future.

On the one hand the theory bears hallmarks of Maya but on the other, it's fundamentally at odds with Vedic philosophy and particularly the concept of Brahman as the source of Maya, never ceasing to pierce through Maya’s illusions and guide us towards our own expression of the unified order, the Atman.

Where Vedic scripture enshrines the cosmos with meaning and purpose, Simulation Theory renders it meaningless. There’s no greater purpose to our lives beyond the intelligence of algorithms and whims of our ancestors who, according to Bostrom, are just another expression of Maya, vicariously living out their own mediocre existences through our in-existence.

As with other apologies for transhumanism, Simulation Theory bestows divine agency on the digital age and bows to the industry of fake holy men ushering in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. But most of all, it bears all the hallmarks of a limited hangout, Bostrom is himself a darling of the WEF, which begs the question - have we already been here? Or at least, has a simulated version of this reality already taken place?

Beneath the veil of the phenomenal world, there's a parallel universe called AI. A sort of Akashic Records vaulted deep inside the NSA, that’s recording, mastering and, ultimately, simulating reality.

By 2010 we were creating as much data every two days as we created from the dawn of civilisation right up to 2003. Twenty years of tracking and indexing our online movements has granted social engineers an all-seeing eye, so powerful, it has mapped every facet of human experience, how we process information, make decisions, and exercise free will.

It gets worse with the NSA’s war gaming program, Sentient World Simulation (SWS), which takes the spy game to the next level with a comprehensive ”database of human activity so profound, it can look so deep into a person’s life and predict their thoughts and future actions with relative certainty.”

Integral to this black mirror reality is a readable and writable digital twin copy of every single person on the planet - put through the mill of real-world scenarios to test the parameters of our behavioural responses to environmental causality, be it televised propaganda, public health emergency and even UFO landings; and with our sentient selves in the so-called real world tethered to our digital twins, we are, by association, programmable by the same set of scenarios. In the same way that a chess computer game can simulate every possible move in an almost infinite sequence of moves, the NSA has simulated the trajectory of people and societies decades into the future.

Which leads to the important question - was COVID-19 pre-simulated in Sentient World Simulation?

Given the success of New Normal in sowing the wild oats of totalitarianism into the minds of ordinary people, it’s as if they already knew our blind spots and the shortest route to mass compliance. If they had the means and motive to do it, why wouldn't they?

None of this is as far-fetched as it might seem. Those magic words, The New Normal, were used for the first time in a public health setting during Event 201 - the simulation that laid down the protocols for the biosecurity state and installed, from amongst its attendees, the public health hegemony that shaped global policy for the next three years.

Which leads us to the possibility that COVID-19, was not the end game, but the deployment of a real-time simulation to test the public’s resistance to a new brand of global governance, called technocratic dictatorship, with many lockdown-type policies now being spun from the illusive veneer of climate change the likes of which would have been unthinkable if it were not for COVID.

6). The Kali Yuga


In the post-Vedic epic, The Mahabharata, the death of Krishna following the Kurukshetra War marks the beginning of the cosmic age, the Kali Yuga.

Believed to be the present era, the Kali Yuga is the fourth and most sinful of the world ages, marred by conflict, destruction, deceit, hypocrisy, sleepiness, bewilderment, fear, and poverty. It is a world of widespread famine, excess taxes, and mass immigration. A world without religion, ruled by corrupt politicians, where wealth and status alone are the measure of virtue.

Against this impending storm Krishna’s conversation with his cousin, the fearless warrior Arjuna enshrined in the 700-verse jewel of The Mahabharata, The Bhagavad Gita, contains perhaps the most important teaching from ancient India:

‘The immortal soul is more important than the passing world.’


The mischievous Krishna, the lapis lazuli Cowherd comes to the world as the eighth Avatar of Vishnu, to end a Yuga by sowing the seed that will sprout into a brutal war – a war to end all wars, a war that will remove the burden of evil from the world and restore Dharma.

It is Krishna’s gift to Arjuna to remind him to stand by his own Dharma even if it means going against his own family, because ‘where there’s Dharma there’s victory’.

Dharma is the law that expresses and maintains the unity of creation. It speaks to the moral duties that govern conduct and provides a glimpse into the kind of world we want to see rising from the ashes of the Kali Yuga. We do unto others as we would have done unto ourselves, for every event is both a cause and an effect (karma), you cannot have one without the other when every action unleashes a ripple on the cosmic sea that vibrates throughout the eons of time.

The Gita reminds us to bring awareness into our lives, through the daily spiritual practice (Sadhana) in order to transform even the most mundane tasks into acts of spiritual devotion and in the fullness of time, find our way back home to the place where the transient data of the world cohere into the unified order (Brahman); once we attain the highest understanding of our true self, the conscious knower of all beings - all beings in the self and the self in all beings - (Atman).

But the final goal of life is to free ourselves from endless cycles of suffering (Samsara), achieved with the awakening of the self (Moksha), from the dream where nothing seems real except the dream (Maya).


There are many great barriers to mass spiritual awakening, such as that invoked by FBI founding director, J Edgar Hoover who called upon the function of mass agitation “to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”

If anything epitomises the false robes of progression that shroud today's era in a fog of ignorance, it’s these prophetic words as race, gender and left-right polarisation pits one segment of society against another, satanic death cults blow the sea conch of world war and minorities - who were once oppressed by the system - are unleashed as its oppressors.

As an elixir to these dark times, the light of Vedic philosophy shines through the cracks of a scorched earth and illuminates a path to salvation by showing us that every point of creation, no matter how arbitrary, contains the whole of creation and that we can access every vector of life by accessing our true selves.

Ordinary people and not billionaire elites are the flesh and blood of the cosmos, and the shadows flickering on the cave wall holding us captive, do not spring from the bulwarks of a tyrannical government but from within our own mind forged manacles. It is on account of the costumes we wear, scripts we read and characters we portray, that the unyielding truth has been transformed into temporal illusion.

Once you understand this you have the power to awaken in harmony with an awakened cosmos. It becomes more than a moral duty, it becomes a pleasure to raze their house of cards to the ground and destroy anything for that matter, which disturbs or renounces the unified order we belong to.

But tread carefully. The mind's interaction with the phenomenal world creates duality delusion and suffering. It is through the pursuit of truth that we descend into ignorance, since the pursuit of anything purely for the fruits of its rewards leads to more attachment, egoism, worldliness, karma, and Samsara.

It is said that the beginner's mind is more equipped for daily spiritual practice, Sadhana, than an intellectual mind full of theories and concepts.

Brahman is not an object of truth nor something to gain or possess, rather it's our spiritual goal to achieve liberation from everything, especially the truth and ourselves. The highest pursuit of anything is to transcend it by entering a state of pure awareness where there’s no distinction between the experience and the experiencer and all that remains is pure knowing without the duality of knowledge as the reward. In this state of enlightenment, the Brahman mind enters pure awareness and regards all pairs of opposites the same whether heat or cold, pleasure or pain, and is therefore undisturbed by either imposter, success or failure.

Brahman is not to be found in temples or mountaintops, priests or mumbo jumbo. Rather the seat of God resides within you as you and becomes self-evident once the mind is restrained and senses withdrawn, at which point we emerge from the darkened cave free of illusions as pure witness. The object changes from one moment to the next, but the essence of the subject, pure observation, remains the same.

The Mahabharata teaches us that “nothing can be done with what is written in the stars, since there are deeper designs in the world than we can fathom and fate tests those whom she would exalt.” The Kali Yuga is inescapable. The New World Order have made their move. It is said that all great empires come to an end. We face our greatest historical battle - one we may never win in any conventional sense of what it means to be victorious. But that doesn't matter, the Gita reminds us that the immortal soul never dies, for it’s never born, it’s eternal.


I often wonder what Nietzsche or even Schopenhauer would have said about gnosis if the dead sea scrolls and nag Hammadi would have been found earlier..
:) thank you for this good post!


Yes Nietzsche's 'God is Dead.' I probably should have referenced the Bakunin quote I adapted 'If God did exist, he would have to be abolished.' I see these statements on God more as cynical critiques of cultural degradation, than metaphysical assertions.


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Really awesome breakdown and I think that you have done an excellent post here.

Massive amounts of information and rabbit holes to dive into.

Have an amazing day and I can't wait to see even more of your posting.

Appreciate your comments! This article has been a labour of love and dharma

I can't wait to see more information from you!

Awesome read brother. Though as someone new to this subject it was difficult to digest in anything less than a few hours of focus during the silent period of my early mornings. And I'm not sure how many people are ready for this kind of dedication to a single article! But for those who are able to take it slow and digest at a reasonable pace it is certainly worth it in the end, with so many pertinent connections to our modern world.

‘The immortal soul is more important than the passing world.’

This really is the crux of it hey. My dowsing teacher said very similar words to me just a few days ago when I warned him about the testing times we have ahead. He was aware but unconcerned, more interested to stay focused on teaching others to dowse. Following his Dharma. Though it occurred to me, as a man with a younger partner and children, how it will be difficult for me to leave my body when the time comes and I wonder now if this idea of 'my' woman, 'my' children, 'my' family isn't somehow wrong, ultimately just chaining us to this life, making it harder to bask in the glory of our immortal soul.

And harder still in this modern world which seeks to separate and de-sex us, leaving most people either confused, in long term relationships (growing the 'my') or endlessly searching for the perfect partner. My current focus on the work of Wilhelm Reich has awoken in me a new understanding, that the key to a healthy and grounded life is a healthy sex life, without which one will start to develop neurosis. So what is to be done? Grow the 'my' or endlessly search for it? Either way it is a trap. Better to re-design this crazy world around a new understanding of the word 'family' and let go of our sexual inhibitions which have been instilled in us specifically to facilitate all the problems which come with 'my'.

I have particularly enjoyed seeing your personal evolution during the writing of this article. Your outward journey (around the new year) followed by an inward journey. Your clarity of mind & body, your relentless reading, your pursuit of Dharma and ultimately your disconnection from the outcome (people pay you for your months of labour or they don't) speaks volumes and it has been a joy to bear witness to your transition.

Looking forward to giving you a big hug when you get here!

That is the crux of it Sam and an important mantra to carry through life. The passing world is the circus show, the immortal soul is the observer sitting in the audience. Easy to lose the latter in the former.

According to the Vedic philosophy that I've read anything that creates fragmentation of the unified order is Maya, and therefore the 'me' 'mine' and 'my', whether kids, home, material wealth whatever. I remember hearing about how Native American tribes raised kids collectively as part of the commons, very different to how we do raise children in bubbles in todays competitive landscape. We are so much more effective when we collaborate than when we compete.

Looking forward to seeing you soon and catching up with all your innovation around farming, dowsing, electro-culture, pyramid's etc. What a ride its been for you!

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