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RE: Supporter Video | news roundup | 30 Jan 2023

in Deep Dives9 months ago

I keep forgetting to mention this but on New Years Eve I was watching Fireworks From Around the World with my cousin. New Zealand had the most funky fireworks I'd ever seen. Shooting them out of some tower like video. My cousin was like "they think that's a good fireworks show?". I told her it seemed rather mundane, like something a bunch of teenagers would think up as being fun to do. Places like Singapore, Hong Kong and a couple other eastern places had it going on. Never seen fireworks displayed off the tops of multiple buildings. There's no western countries that has a thing on them, that's for sure.

All the talk about Swift's political influencing, if they are using it that way, one of the biggest points in messaging that I think they've (commentators) have missed when it comes to Kelce is it's almost always, and I haven't seen one yet that addresses it any other way, but I guess there's a chance there's one out there, Travis Kelce tight end for KCC, or KCC tight end Travis Kelce, he's not or it can't be KCC's Travis Kelce, they always have to mention he's a "tight end". It's subliminal messaging.

The women with the one stops to ask how she discovered she could get her flute to toot. lol.

Just food for thought but Biden Admin probably didn't sign that paperwork for natural gas because it was probably for domestic natural gas. They have a huge refinery coming online in Africa this year. Suppose to one out of three of them. I know they were in the testing phase not to long ago so it may be online now or getting ready to. The refinery is capable of converting oil into LNG. Also people commenting about him not filling the reserve back up in my opinion is because they are using it for Europe's transition, something they weren't (democrats) suppose to do, than Trump made the deal with Europe and they started using it. As long as it sits there half empty they can still buy in bulk at a cheaper rate from SA. SA is much closer to Africa than America, and the refinery coming online is right below the opening a bit from the Red Sea where all the actions been taking place. I just don't think they will buy oil from SA, ship it all the back to the US to refine it here than ship it back. I am not even sure the US has one of those state of art refineries, they may have. But it wouldn't allow them to compete with China and India over Europe's business as it wouldn't be cost effective to do such. They'd want a country, like Africa, without all the regulatory controls in place with hoards of cheap labor, and be as close as possible to where it's going to be shipped.

That's what the big deal is about over Gaza, it's going to become a hub for export/import of energy products into Europe's back door. First though, as Kushner pointed out in that interview with Al Jazeera, they have to do the "political" part, which he would emphasize what he meant by that, (which we are witnessing) only the financial part, which amounts to "if you can dream it you can build it". They can't go in and build it until they take out Hamas (which Kushner refers to it as reducing the poverty rate by fifty percent) (lol, people are so naivete) and all the tunnel systems underneath the ground. The Arab countries will not build Gaza with the committed fifty billion dollars as long as Hamas is capable of continuing conflicts with Israel or blowing up brand new buildings by packing explosive underneath the ground.

So far it looks as though Israel may relent to a international coalition of Arabs to control Gaza with western backed guarantees of security if they can build a buffer zone. Everyone is freaking out it's taking Palestinian land but in the end Palestine will be built back better and be overseen by Arabs who'll have no problem keeping the peace by knocking off anyone who gets out of line, which in reality, is the only way it can happen and is the only way they run their own countries.

Built back better, which I am assuming most consider just to be retrofitting old houses and buildings into green energy efficiency, in a lot of circumstances will not be possible. So expect as they keep pushing the new agenda that a lot of countries are going to get hit to destroy structures to replace them in their new fourth industrial revolution green energy style. My opinion would be that the list and events are structured to the most burdensome cost to governments across the globe. It thus far falls into line of that.

The virus jumping from China to Italy, outside of Greece Italy has ran a deficit to their gross domestic products for over a decade and had the world's oldest population of elderly which was burdensome on the social safety programs.

The virus unleashed onto the global community. The biggest threat were to people with diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The three highest costly diseases in medical cost to world governments.

On to Ukraine, costing billions from world banking systems due to corruption and an aging population of which they had already met four retirees for every two workers.

On to Gaza, also costing billions to world banking systems.

Who's next? My money is on Finland with the second highest population of elderly or Poland with it's strong ties of nationalism, the latter not costly just problematic when you want to rule everybody by a iron fist. This or that was George W Bush's "China was the right model all along" motto. This whole thing started under George Bush. Taking us out of the international treat for biological weapons. Messing with the corona virus, and the mass migration out of the middle east into Europe.


About New Zealand and fireworks - we used to be really big on fireworks - but there has been a concerted effort to tone down fireworks and also remove them from our culture - in the 1990s, you could buy crackers - since then, they have slowly banned all types of fireworks - the main reason, of course, is that fireworks have gunpowder in them, so they must be removed from people's hands. The public cannot be trusted with anything. The fact that the fireworks at, I'm guessing Sky Tower, were small, was just part of the agenda to get rid of fireworks.

About Israel and an international coalition - there is a lot of gas there, so I would guess everyone wants a slice of the pie. I don't think it will be built back really - what I think will happen is the Palestinians will be forced to move - they will become refugees - maybe not this time, but that will be the end goal. Israel will take Palestine.


From what I read, unless you've come across something different, there's about a twenty year supply of gas out there. Not enough to critique the interest of investors to spend billions on the infrastructure to get at it.

According to a news release there is a secret plan devised by Netanyahu linked businessmen, in aligned with the expectations of the US plans for Gaza (think Abraham accord) to eventually develop a Palestinian state.

Secret plan for Gaza's future devised by Netanyahu-linked businessmen: Involves military rule, international Arab coalition, and independent Palestine

The plan's initial stage involves the formation of an Israeli military government in the Gaza Strip. This interim government would aim to manage the civilian population and supervise the distribution of humanitarian aid.

Simultaneously, the plan proposes creating an international Arab coalition featuring countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and others. This coalition would form part of a more comprehensive regional normalization agreement to support the creation of a "new Palestinian Autonomy".


This plan, created by a "group of businessmen" in Israel, has been shared with high-ranking individuals in the US administration according to the "Jerusalem Post". The newspaper identifies this plan as a Prime Minister Netanyahu's "trial balloon", aligning with the overall American vision of the order in the Middle East, including the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Autonomy, and Saudi Arabia.

The "Jerusalem Post" emphasizes that the outlined plan is just one of several alternative solutions currently under development in Israel by various institutions.

You have to listen to the words being spoken and the words that aligned to have seen where this is ultimately going. I am shocked but not totally surprised by this because this means Netanyahu was involved in the set up of the attack. Why I couldn't finish my op on it that's been sitting for the last few weeks, I can pin point a lot of the players and link them together by the words being spoke, except Netanyahu up until this point. When it came to him I just didn't know which direction to go in with him.

Maybe it is hasty to say he was involved in the set up of the attack, he could be kowtowing to western pressures which are making it perfectly clear the Palestinians will be returned. The only reason I have reservations about the pressuring is the fact that thus far his military operations since the attack would align with having to get rid of every single tunnel before Gaza could be rebuilt. Saudi Arabia has made it perfectly clear they will not invest in Gaza if there is any chance the Israeli's and Palestinians can keep poking at each other and destroy the progress/plans they have for the area.

I've been also lacking motivation to want to continue on here. I might just learn how to auto stuff and go find a site where I think the information I share will be more appreciative to people who aren't or don't stay as informed as I do, even if I don't get the American Nigerian pennies I earn. I started to get dishearten when I ran across a guy on here who, if I did what he did, and I am totally capable of it with how well informed I am, which is to take several news article on stuff, copy and paste paragraphs of them together, add a few words of his own in between and makes five, six bucks a pop. That's just outright plagiarism. He puts in all the link at the bottom and you can read that 95% of what he puts in the post are words of someone else from various different articles on it. I think I'd get more satisfaction from just opening people's minds to stuff than I would for the less than a dollar I earn for hours of work. I've just been on here for to long for nothing really and I don't reach that many people. You know back when crypto was up, on Bastyon, just posting editorial cartoons on Saturdays, something I gave up because I don't think the state of things is funny anymore, on Saturday or Sunday night, my account was over a thousand dollars in way less time than I've been on here. That was when Bastyon was running close to a buck. But it says a mouthful in comparison to the fact it took more to earn one pocketcoin than a Hive.