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RE: Supporter Video | News roundup

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Here's a comment on made on GP last night concerning the Hunter Biden stuff. GP put my comment in pending. I copied and pasted it again with a comment added GP was trying to censor me. Today I got a reply back saying "you poor baby" or something to that effect. They tried to claim the algorithm picked up links in my comment, etc., I was like it more like you put it in pending in order to bury it. I think they stopped people from being able to check off a comment as spam sending it into pending. That was a huge complaint by people of people using/ marking comments as spam if they didn't like your comment. Another trick was using multiple accts to make comments until you comment is buried from the top. I can't even tell you how many comments I've made with links with out a problem but this comment really called them out and I don't think they liked it.

"What GWP fails to tell you is that these labs started under the Bush administration, continued through the Obama administration and were finished up under the Trump administration. These labs were built to replace labs that Russia abandon after the cold war. Black & Veatch were chosen to build the labs because they specialize in buildings that can withstand things like earthquakes, flooding, etc., in other words natural disasters. Chances are Metabiota was brought in because they also specialize in this type of thing. Furthermore GWP isn't the only ones with access to "way back things" and the paperwork they present to you leaves out the fact that the department of defense funded the building and equipment for these labs than they were signed off to their governments before any pathogens ever arrived. Here is a link to three of the dozen of examples for reference:
No worries as GP isn't the only ones who have left out that vital piece of information to fit a narrative. These labs are now jointly run and funded by a global initiative, Global Threat Reduction Initiative of 31 countries, which yes that funding also would include some coming from the threat reduction agency within the DOD. That initiative came about after the US Russia joint venture under The Threat Reduction Act dismantled, disarmed nuclear weapons after the cold war and continuing funding for that program fell out of favor with the US so a global initiative was formed. There is only one funded pentagon lab near Ukraine and it's in Tbilisi Georgia, it's a level four bio lab which only the pentagon has access to.

Some of these monies mentioned are from grants that the Trump administration gave EHA that run through 2024. What Trump gave EHA in comparison to Obama should make your head explode. Trump gave EHA a whopping one hundred eleven to as much as one hundred and twenty three million dollars, Obama?....a little over a mere eleven million. The only grant Trump ended "very quickly" as he was quoted as saying when it was found out was one for 7.5 million otherwise EHA would have gotten that also. I actually just did a blog on it this morning.
Trump Administration Gave Eco Health Alliance Over One Hundred Million Dollars

The reality of a lot of this stuff is this, if Hunter and his pals/family ran out and invested in these ventures it's really no less alarming than Trump running out and investing his family's three trust into the vaccines, they are making bank on the vaccines and other medical goods/medicine up to and including being invested in Sanofi's new combination covid/flu shot coming out this fall. Thanks to Trump moving medical to the defense department during a national emergency and letting it stand in the cares act that medical providers won't be reimbursed unless they used emergency authorized medicines and giving insurers the same rights of refusal we are all stuck being denied alternative medications. How about a big investigation into all this? While we are at it let's have a look at who, what, where and why that EHA was given a historical amount of money under Trumps term and detail exactly where that money was spent."

ps....she kissed the potato, several


Yeah, everyone is investing everywhere it seems - but the biolabs are pretty bad really - hopefully the story does not die and keeps building, it is a story that the people of the world deserve to know - i.e., that the elites are studying deathly pathogens without oversight - i never knew that about the labs deathly being from the cold war dazys - although they could have removed them many years ago - about the comments on the GP - yeah back in the days when I used to comment everywhere i used to run into the same thing - its worse now though - it could be the algorithm or something else, who knows. At least with the block chain, your comments are save for all eternity haha