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RE: Minneapolis City Council is Disbanding the Police Department, Time for Self-Defense

in Deep Dives5 years ago

It is interesting to note that the "reforms" carried out, the hiring of police management, and the discipline of officers in Minneapolis has been under the political control of democrats since Christ was a corporal.

I will further note that Chauvin had 16 complaints against him, and two or three OIS (officer involved shootings) under his belt. it is normal in American police departments to release officers after two shootings for insurance liablity reasons. The last of these shootings was questionable, and democrat senator kobluchar, who was the AG for the county at the time, refused to prosecute.

Lastly, I will note that the correlation between incidents of police brutality, black arrest rates, black educational failure, black unemployment, etc; and years that a polity was controlled by the democong closely approach 100%

it's almost like the democrat party sabotages the black community in order to maintain a 85% voting block intact.

Finally, for the folks that understand that both parties are corrupt, that is understood. but that doesnt mean we shouldnt underscore the severity of this problem in it's specifics


Yeah they just do shit to appease minorities in order to get votes. Much of their policies are not helping them either. Two-party politics is a roundabout con-game.

ALL politics is a roundabout con-game ;>

Most people dont want to get involved (or worse, want the state to nanny-state them, or others); so the corruptocrats are given a free hand.

those who stand up are usually destroyed by the neighbors (the sjw internet lynch mob), not even by the corrupt