The war drum is beating again but the goal is never as it seems

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

Many of us believe our popular history books give an accurate portrayal of what happened in the past but I would argue one has to dig much deeper to understand the full spectrum of any given story. Particularly when it comes to war, us the people are kept in the dark about the hidden agenda behind them. We are just pawns in a game and told only what we need to know in a world where nothing happens by chance.

I came across a book recently called 'Conjuring Hitler' which explains how certain powerful hands in Britain & America created the Third Reich to further their conquest for total global dominance and it occurred to me how we appear to be moving along a similar path these days, just with different villains and a different agenda.

Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 11.33.14.png

This controversial study shows that Nazism was not regarded as an aberration: for the British and American establishment of the time, it was regarded as a convenient way of destabilising Europe and driving Germany into conflict with Stalinist Russia, thus preventing the formation of any rival continental power block. Guido Giacomo Preparata lays bare the economic forces at play in the Third Reich, and identifies the key players in the British and American establishment who aided Hitler's meteoric rise.


You can download the book from here if you are not already familiar with this more truthful analysis of what caused the last world war.

So I wanted to begin this post with a focus on WW2 and its true function for a select group of evil people because with the recent termination of the Nord Stream pipeline and subsequent finger-pointing I can feel us moving now towards another world war with another hidden agenda.

False flag

False flag events are almost a tradition for getting wars started & keeping them stoked. Let's see, for WW1 we have the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the sinking of the RMS Lusitania. For WW2 we have the burning of the Reichstag building and the attack on Pearl Harbor. In more recent times we have 9/11 which is probably one of the most obvious false flags in history, yet off to war we went and history will always point the finger at a man in a cave.

If you are still in any doubt about which nation had clear intentions to "shut down" the Nord Stream pipeline seven months ago, you may want to check out this short clip from Biden in which his threat is clear.

Annotated transcript here:

Biden - "If Russia invades... then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will put an end to it."

Reporter - "How will you do that exactly, since the project is in Germany's control?"

Biden - "We will... I promise you, we will be able to do it."

And we are to believe it is pure coincidence that an alternative pipeline is being opened at exactly the same time?

If we ask google today "Who sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline?" we get this:

The chief suspect is the Russian Federation, which has the motive, the means, and the opportunity to conduct such an operation.

Strange then that the US Navy was conducting underwater explosive exercises in the area prior to the event?


Didn't something similar happen on 9/11?

Ah yes:

On September 11, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) was running a drill simulating an off-course aircraft crashing into NRO headquarters in Virginia at 8:30 a.m., about the same time the real thing was occurring. source

Funny how these kind of coincidences seem to pop up when potentially world changing events are at hand.

To some it is obvious what's going on here.


Even Trump gets it!


Though of course, Trump is nothing more than controlled opposition and only here to sow the seeds of war, just like everyone else.

And so, in summary:


While miraculously surviving passports may have helped us identify the perpetrators of 9/11, the following image is thankfully not a real headline.


But really, they might as well have told us this!

There is zero evidence to suggest Russia as the culprits yet the mainstream media and even google are fine about telling us who is the number one suspect. While in reality America just conducted an act of war against Europe and Orwell's words from 1984 are more fitting now than ever:

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

The illusion of separation

The most important point to recognise here is that all the major players (Russia, USA, China, France, UK etc) are on board with the goals of the World Economic Forum and actively working towards a fast transition into the fourth industrial revolution, ideally before the year 2030.

So while it may be true to say these global players are separate entities with individual policies & politicians, I would argue they are all controlled by the same hand which long ago embedded itself within every government of the world. The goal is a one world government and these countries are very well practised now at working together to stage international false flag events which trigger desirable future events, pushing us always toward that goal of a one world government & one world currency, while also justifying current events.

With the pipeline false flag we now have justification for gas shortages & price hikes. All part of the same game to tighten the screws on the public in a war of attrition which month by month will beat us into submission.

You see, to bring about great change, great turmoil is required. The current problem is that people are too comfortable in their lives to care about signing up for the fourth industrial revolution. Or too wise. Only when they are miserable and beaten down enough will one & all be ready to accept radical change. Don't forget, they timed this to happen just at the outset of a grand solar minimum so the weather will also be beating us down with extremities, playing havoc with our food supply.

And so, half a decade of world war at this time will soften us up perfectly and justify the collapse of the existing financial system, ushering in a new digital age and paving the way for the fourth industrial revolution & new world order.

Nuclear peace facilitates conventional wars

Please don't have any fear about nuclear weapons being used in this war. In fact they don't exist.

If you have the time I recommend this lecture by Galen Winsor in which he breaks down the nuclear illusion for you.

The bottom line is this:

Perpetual nuclear peace facilitates continuous conventional wars and so the next world war will in fact be no different to the last.

Many people will fight and many people will die. Which is perfectly in line with the depopulation agenda and, as my good friend @thecogent pointed out to me the other day, this will hide the vast number of vaccine deaths we will get in this period because they will be recorded as casualties of war.

Of course, I am speculating here and merely playing with ideas but it could be that just as the last generation to remember a world war is dying out, their grandchildren will once more fight on European soil in the name of world peace.

The main question in my mind now is how fast would they be able to turn public opinion and force conscription on us? Another false flag event with a bunch of dead Europeans or perhaps dead Americans and some surviving Russian passports would be convenient at this point. The recent move by Biden to make firearms illegal for undesirables in the US seems in line with a preparation for forced conscription. Wouldn't want them hillbillies defending themselves while they are dragged off to war.

They tell us Russians are trying to flee their own country in fear of being signed up to fight, so as this conflict escalates into Europe can we not expect the same thing for the rest of us here?

Certainly I hope not, but I am open to all possibilities, planning ahead of time what I might do if certain situations arise.

For now I continue to focus on learning how to grow food & medicine here in the South of France but I am wondering if perhaps the Universe has kept me from my promised land here because in fact I am not yet in the right place?

Dreams can reach their conclusion more effectively when we do not attach ourselves to the how, when or where.

As always my friends, I advise you to avoid the news altogether but if at times like this you happen to hear (as I did) what is going on in the world, try not to take it all too seriously. It is in the end just a pantomime and you get to choose how involved you want to be as a member of the audience.

"Right here, right now" I say to myself a lot because in this place everything is A-okay.

Love & Light everyone 🌱



Fantastic exploration of these historic events, in line with our current predicament.

The world is changing beyond our expectations and we must all be prepared for whats to come

Forgot to mention the convenient timing of Ukraine's NATO partnership!

And also the recent parity of the dollar, pound & euro which would potentially make it easier to switch to a single digital currency of the same value.

The stage is surely set perfectly now...

Thank you for being the spark which ignited this article!

i don't have enough words to describe how accurate this sounds :)
of course we're all digging the truth... which is just one and for all! :)

blessings go upon those, living THE NATURE :)
peace & respect!

Yes indeed, we are all digging for the truth in our own way.

Peace & respect 🙏

Very little of what we learn about history in school is anything like it actually ways, and much is downright fabricated I would argue.

For sure. Looking into hidden history for the last few years has been amazingly interesting. Nothing like what they teach us in school!

Fantastic writing brother, and a lot of truths! Until we all come together, they will forever be forcing their will, control, and hatred onto us. You of course know you are doing well to learn what you are concerning food growth and medicines...and everything else you are learning. Regardless of what's to come, I'm excited for it and am hopeful for all us to finally come together,even if there is some turmoil beforehand. We send our love, and all our best happiest vibrations to you and that lovely family!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Regardless of what's to come, I'm excited for it

I think that's the most important thing right there. And I very much share your feeling of excitement ;) The future is bright! Felt even more strongly if we must travel through darkness to get there.

All the best back to you brother. We do what we can and we do it with a smile if we can!

The DISTRACTION become sever more sophisticated and it's obvious to only a very few that's there are puppet masters and bigger agendas. Being a parent in this environment is a special responsibility....

Being a parent in this environment is a special responsibility....

Wow yes! Funnily enough Sabrina & I were discussing the possibility of another child last night. She is hesitant due to what is happening right now. While I am more for throwing caution to the wind! Also I was one of three and this just feels like the right number ;)

Sammo, good to see you still kicking up research points bruddah! ;)

Keni! Yeah, you know me. If a subject fires me up enough the writing part is easy. In fact I just put out a post about Buddhism after finally reading the story of Prince Siddhartha for the first time! Felt really moved by it.

Great having you around these parts again. I think about you & Seb regularly.

Am less convinced these days about Europe as a place to settle (for the reasons stated in this post) so am open to other suggestions if you have them?

Fire, now this is something we all could do with mastering. Especially at the moment, sun rays are beaming brighter than ever, no wonder you're spidey-senses are pinging! Oh and yes, Sids gotta cool story, with a pinch of pink salt ofc. Best bit imo where he proclaims to his followers, "Look inside, find your own way". Then everyone starts shaving their heads and dressing the same. Probably butchered the verbage, bah something like that eyy, namaste bro, namaste fr fr love wi truly. I agree, it's a much better direction than some of the old books.

Yep superman is staying sexy in his shuffling pants, spoke to @Sebcam a week or so ago. He's enjoying the bits between running these days, even more than the running I believe lol! We keep inviting him, and now you with all your family, come out here to the fire nation. Warm them bones, spin up dna, and root the fruit! It's a future that feeds the whole in da tropics lol!

Lol I know you're temped, could hear your heart in your quest-ion! Lol some sell out, many may not, we'll know more for sure, sooner than.. at least the fire has it's own new gas, and since the steem cleared... we don't "have to" hive it away, bee init nah ovit bruv!! Init not ovit.. LOL :)

Stay playing with some ideas for more words, the kids story; w3 worlds, markets of interstellar trades, swingers at that, lol we all end up on the beach eventually. We may serve while we play, a heaven on earth, here for all to see, be, do, and have.. scooby doodle doo omelettes too! We'll get to details somehow lol, lovely to connect mi amigo muah xx

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

I do agree people are waking up more and more with each passing month.

Just not sure this will be enough to stop what is so evidently being pushed on us now.

Hey, what happened to your rep number?

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment


To me this is just evidence of how low we have fallen.

But thank you for sharing.

Stan Lee was a personal friend and it makes me sad to see what they have done with his dream.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment