ATTENTION - is blocked in Russia

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Connection is not secure

The problems started yesterday, but I decided that these were temporary glitches on In the morning, when I tried to access the site, I again saw the following information:


Connection is not secure
Attackers may try to steal your data from the site (for example, passwords, messages or bank card numbers).

When I tried to access #hive from my phone, I saw this message:


Access to the information resource is limited on the basis of Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-ФЗ "On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information"

Here is a link to the law itself

The law is very large and this message does not indicate a specific reason for blocking the site. When connecting VPN, the site works fine. The reasons for blocking can only be guessed, but it seems to me that this is an attempt to restrict access to a decentralized independent source of information!

The site has not been blocked - it works stably!

The fight for information has begun !!!


Somehow makes me feel sad that it is once again a post directed against Russia’s government. When we think well and compare what happens in other occidental countries it is quite the same.

US already have laws that restrict access to multiple sources that are against government ideals (whatever who’s the president in charge by the way, it’s not something new because of Trump but it has already been the case long before under Bush’s and Obama’s administration).

France just passed some laws under the table using Covid-19 as an excuse to justify internet control and repression. These laws have been published in China two years ago and any occidental country accused them of dictatorship. But now they found the glitch that allows them to introduce the very same laws they were in fact just jealous of. And it’s the same for almost all European countries. I’m form Switzerland and believe me it’s the same. We just hide a little more those laws for the people not to realise it and not to fight them.

Even worse, what they call “internet safety” that I’d rather name “internet domination and repression” has now been privatised by the GAFAs and no one bats an eye...

Of course it is a terrible thing coming to light but it’s not new and it pisses me off when I see occidental people just accusing Russia, China or any other country to be dictatorial when the exact same laws exist and are applied in their countries. They just accept them because they have been told it’s for their own safety against so-called “fake news” that in reality are just free speech and people exposing truths that are never discussed in the official news.

So let’s not turn against on country or an other, but let’s behave as a free talking community should and let’s defend any population against dictatorship whether it is official regime or hidden one ! Let’s use those decentralised application to publish our thoughts, to publish what really happens under the clouds, and let’s share those apps everywhere around us as much as we can.

I work as a crypto and precious metal trader and since a few months I decided to publish my analysis using only the steem and then the hive blockchain, and I use twitter to bring people threw website links directly here. We should all do the same.

Hello! I wrote this post as a fait accompli. Russia has long begun to block resources that are objectionable to the media, like many other countries. But I am sure this flow of information cannot be stopped. I know that fake news services have been created under the governments of large countries - they interfere with reliable information with dirt and people can no longer distinguish black from white. People are manipulated in their own interests and this will lead humanity to a standstill. I don’t blame Russia, I’m saying that now it’s almost impossible to invite a new user to It’s very difficult for an ordinary person to understand the technical details of Hive - and if he still needs a good paid VPN for this, then it's almost Impossible - Maybe they will soon block I wish that few people could get here before the block - now it will be even more difficult. Developers need to come up with something so that users do not suffer from locks. But I am sure that we will win this fight. As they said in one famous film, “What contains strength? In money?” “No, Strength is in truth!”

sorry for my English


Ахренеть, вот это засада!!!

Да. Это неприятно. Многих проявивших интерес к площадке и желающих присоединиться это может отпугнуть. Конечно есть VPN. Но... Многих это отпугнёт я думаю.

Интересно, как на счет Тоже заблокировано?

Он пока работает стабильно. Но не знаю как надолго. Могут и его заблокировать же.

Here he comes Russian Cheburnet )

во во! так и есть же🤣

Как оказалось, удобнее. Если бы не блокировка, я бы ещё долго собиралась посмотреть и проверить эту точку входа.